Urban Motion: Spatial Planning as the Key of Urban Mobilization Issues
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

The event was officially opened with a speech of Prof. Benedict Kombaitan as Dean of the School of Architecture, Planning, and Development Policy (SAPPK) ITB and spliced by ITB Rector Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi. "We must move together in a way to reach out to stakeholders, both sides of industry, society, and government in order to solve the big problem of this nation with fast and effective. In the future crucial urban problems will be increase if not handled right now," Prof. Kadarasah said.
Talk show Urban Motion was divided into two sessions that began with the presentation of papers on innovation in solving key problems of urban transport in Indonesia, which was delivered by Ir. Sugihardjo, M.Si as Advisor to the Minister of Logistics and Multimodal. Ir. Sugihardjo said that the real root of the problem is the imbalance of urban transport in economic growth in Indonesia is being concentrated in a few cities only. Moreover, infrastructure development and spatial planning in the city are late in addressing the socio-economic dynamics in the major cities.
It is agreed by the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Indonesia Drs. Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, which states that the public actually need more space to be mobilized. "Modes of transportation we can buy with money, but the transportation system and the space cannot be that easy we present. Therefore, this ministry exists to redesign the layout of the city that could provide space for the community. The key is commitment and consistency of implementation of government programs the city plan that has been made," Ferry said.
Furthermore, the second session presents a discussion on the implementation of practical solutions to the speakers Achmad Izzul Waro (GIZ SUTIP coordinator), Dr. Bima Arya (Mayor of Bogor), and M. Ridwan Kamil (Mayor of Bandung). In terms of non-governmental organizations, GIZ Sustainable Urban Transport Improvement Project (SUTIP) formed German-Indonesian cooperation has formulated a recommendation, which is based on the development of public transport infrastructure as a key solution. This is similar to the long-term goals to be achieved by the mayor to Bandung and Bogor which continues to develop mass transportation systems. In addition, the spread of economic activity centers are also becoming important thing to do with regard to the existing urban planning.