Won Second, SEF-ITB Ready for World Debating Championship Manila 2012
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

ANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The 5th National Universities English Debate Championship (NUEDC) is a little different to other national-level debate champiosnhips. With 95 participants chosen through provincial competitions, NUEDC guarantees equal representation for every province. Four teams will then be fully funded by the Department of High Education to compete in the World Universities Debating Championship which will be held in De La Salle University, Manila. In this NUEDC, held in Diponegoro University, Semarang, the ITB Student English Forum (SEF) successfully placed second.

The whole tournament consisted of seven preliminary rounds to determine the top 32 teams that go through to the eliminary rounds. These top 32 teams will then compete further in the octo-finals, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finally the grand final.
Out of the seven preliminary rounds, SEF-ITB successfully placed first as the team only lost one debate in the seventh round. No other teams reached that record in the tournament.
SEF-ITB, represented by Rifan Ibnu Rahman (Business and Management '09) and Vincentius Dito Krista Holanda (Chemical Engineering '08), were able to win every debate up until the grand finals, where they had to concede the debate to Bina Nusantara International. The motion they clashed in the final was whether the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have its own force to abduct heinous perpetrators of international crimes whoe refuse the summonses of the court, a highly complex motion even for experts in the field of international law and social sciences.
Rifan and Dito continued a high-record that SEF ITB has continuously achieved in previous NUEDCs; last year ITB was a semi-finalist, while the year before that ITB was the champion. Even though the team did not win the competition, Dito won the best individual speaker award, while Rifan was fourth best.
Consistently Producing Best Speakers
Out of six national level competitions held by reputable organizations since last January, SEF ITB has won four best speaker awards. The following is a list of achievements that SEF ITB has achieved in these competitions:
-Indonesian Varsities English Debate (IVED) 2011 held in Hasanuddin University, January 2011
Best Speaker: Rifan Ibnu Rahman and Tubagus Andhika Nugraha (Informatics '10)
Team Achievement: Quarter-finalist.
-Asian Law School Association English Challenge (ALSA E-Challenge) 2011 in Padjadjaran University, February 2011
5th Best Speaker: Vicario Reinaldo (Industrial Engineering '10)
-Southeast Asian English Olympics (SEO) 2011, held by Bina Nusantara, February 2011
Best Speaker: Luthfi Abdurrahman (Fine Arts '05)
Team Achievement: Champion and Runner-Up.
-National Debate Competition on Economics & Environment (NDC) 2011 held in Padjadjaran University, March 2011
Best Speaker: Muhammad Pandu (Physics '06)
Team Achievement: Champion and Runner-Up.
-Asian Law School Association English Competition (ALSA E-Comp) 2011 held in University of Indonesia, April 2011
Team Achievement: Quarter-finalist.
Out of the seven preliminary rounds, SEF-ITB successfully placed first as the team only lost one debate in the seventh round. No other teams reached that record in the tournament.
SEF-ITB, represented by Rifan Ibnu Rahman (Business and Management '09) and Vincentius Dito Krista Holanda (Chemical Engineering '08), were able to win every debate up until the grand finals, where they had to concede the debate to Bina Nusantara International. The motion they clashed in the final was whether the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have its own force to abduct heinous perpetrators of international crimes whoe refuse the summonses of the court, a highly complex motion even for experts in the field of international law and social sciences.
Rifan and Dito continued a high-record that SEF ITB has continuously achieved in previous NUEDCs; last year ITB was a semi-finalist, while the year before that ITB was the champion. Even though the team did not win the competition, Dito won the best individual speaker award, while Rifan was fourth best.
Consistently Producing Best Speakers
Out of six national level competitions held by reputable organizations since last January, SEF ITB has won four best speaker awards. The following is a list of achievements that SEF ITB has achieved in these competitions:
-Indonesian Varsities English Debate (IVED) 2011 held in Hasanuddin University, January 2011
Best Speaker: Rifan Ibnu Rahman and Tubagus Andhika Nugraha (Informatics '10)
Team Achievement: Quarter-finalist.
-Asian Law School Association English Challenge (ALSA E-Challenge) 2011 in Padjadjaran University, February 2011
5th Best Speaker: Vicario Reinaldo (Industrial Engineering '10)
-Southeast Asian English Olympics (SEO) 2011, held by Bina Nusantara, February 2011
Best Speaker: Luthfi Abdurrahman (Fine Arts '05)
Team Achievement: Champion and Runner-Up.
-National Debate Competition on Economics & Environment (NDC) 2011 held in Padjadjaran University, March 2011
Best Speaker: Muhammad Pandu (Physics '06)
Team Achievement: Champion and Runner-Up.
-Asian Law School Association English Competition (ALSA E-Comp) 2011 held in University of Indonesia, April 2011
Team Achievement: Quarter-finalist.