Workshop "Providing Sustainable Water Resources"

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Global COE Program University of Kyoto, Japan, Brawijaya University, Malang, along with the Architecture School of Planning and Development Policy ITB on Friday (20/03/09) conducted a Workshop Management System Water Supply themed "Overview and Perspective of Water Supply Management System Assessment and Social Capital. " The seminar took place in Labtek IXA building, this workshop was opened by a speech of Prof. Dr. Indratmo Soekarno from Expertise Group of Water Resources Engineering ITB and keynote speech by Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi of Kyoto University.
The workshop divided into four sessions. With moderated by Dr. Ibnu Syabri, the first session was opened with a presentation from Prof.Zulkifli Yusof and Ismu Rini Dwi Ari. Ismu Rini who is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University present their research Water Supply System in Malang Regency, with case studies Toyomarto Village and Temple Renggo. Both areas are unique because of the conflict the use of water from temple Sumberawan by drinking water companies with the local water supply system which runs the local community. Through this research, Ismu Rini with a research team consisting of Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kakuya Matsushima and Hayeong Jeong, aims to find out water supply management system as well as examine how the community in the village solve water supply problems they face.

In the second session, Researchers from the Expertise Group Areas Infrastructure  System and the City ITB, Dr. Ibn Syabri present case development windmill LPPM ITB production system as an alternative water supply for the fishing village of Legon Kulon, Subang regency, West Java. Together with Ibn Syabri, Lecturer Institute of Technology 10 November (ITS) Surabaya, Joni Hermana, present his research about the sustainability of water supply by PDAM as capital society of cities in Indonesia.

Workshop which was attended by the master and doctorate students SAPPK ITB is also present papers from Dr. Mohammad Cahyono (ITB), Prof. Kakuya Matsushima (Kyoto), Dr. Teti Argo Armiati (ITB), Dr. Hayeong Joeng (Kyoto), and Tri Budi Prayogo, MT (Brawijaya). This one day workshop ended with a closing speech from Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi.

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