2397 Graduates, ITB Held Open Session of 1st Graduation on Academic Year 2015/2016

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - After successfully completing the entire obligation of higher education learning lecture on the bench then came at a time when the students graduated (graduation) with a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral Degrees. On Friday(16/10/15) and Saturday (5/10/15), ITB hosts public hearing First Graduation on academic year 2015/2016. This period graduation, ITB releases as much as 2.397 graduates of the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Programs. These important activities attended by the Rector and Vice Rector of ITB, the Assembly of the Trustees, Academic Senate, ITB Professor Forum, The Dean of the Faculties, The Chairman of Major, Lectures, Military and Police Officials, the Leader of the institutions as partners of the ITB, ITB Alumni, as well as graduates accompanied by family.

This first graduation ceremony organized for two days on Friday for graduates of doctoral program, master's degree program, as well as a Bachelor's Program in an environment of Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences (FMIPA) and Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) and the number of graduates as much of the 1,234 people. Then on Saturday, the graduation procession is conducted for the Undergraduate Program in addition to the FTI and the FMIPA with a number of graduates as much as 1,163 people. Of the total amount of such graduates, as many as 19 people graduates Doctoral Program, 79 people graduates master's degree Program, and 349 people graduates Undergraduate Program obtain a predicate cum laude. In his speech, the Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA delivered a speech with the heading "Sustainable Development or Sustainable Development". According to him, sustainability is key in the global development agenda the so-called Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Then Ujang Purnama, has been elected as Best Student of ITB convey adieu represents graduates. Ujang exposes that enrolled at ITB for 4 years is not a short time, quite a long process that has been conducted the graduates become more mature. The end of his speech, he said "Spiderman once said: with great powers comes great responsibility, ITB student who had the great bounty and great opportunity of course have a big responsibility. We must be the solutions to the problems of the nation and the hope for a better Indonesia in the future." The graduation ceremony event takes place with a solemn punctuated by a reading of the most interesting message and impression of graduates during study in college by the Vice-Chancellor of Academics and Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, M.Sc., Ph.D.

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