Geodesy & geomatics engineering is playing important role in determining the dynamics of the earth, producing precise positioning for any features on earth, imaging and monitoring the earth, producing high accuracy and 3-dimensionally geospatial data, processing and analyzing data to information to the decision, developing any geospatial information systems for solutions of environmental, social or even political problems.
The Bachelor of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program has been accredited internationally through ASIIN (an education program accreditation body from Germany) and nationally is accredited excellent through BAN-PT.
The educational objectives of the Undergraduate Program in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program are to have adequate basic knowledge in geodesy and geomatics engineering, be skilled in mastering the latest geospatial technology, be able to solve problems appropriately, and be able to adapt to all situations and act professionally and ethically.
Career Prospect
Alumni of the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program can work in various fields that require geospatial information starting from the acquisition process (surveys and mapping), information system development, data analysis to application development, both in industry, research and academics, as well as community services in various agencies government.
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Labtek IX-C 1st-4th Floor, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
Phone number: 022-2530701