Indonesia's geographical condition, the sea, which includes most of its territorial area, makes coastal and marine resources an essential source for national development. The Oceanography Study Program has a vital role in developing human resources with adequate knowledge of marine sector development. In addition, the Oceanography Study Program contributes to realizing the government's vision to make Indonesia the world's maritime axis. The Oceanography Study Program is a pioneer of majors in the field of oceanography at universities in Indonesia. 

The Oceanography Study Program has received excellent accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (No. 3409/SK/BAN-PT/Akred-Itnl/S/V/2022) and international accreditation from “Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik“ (ASIIN, 2021–2027).

Research Topic
The Oceanography Study Program dedicates its field of study to ocean issues on a local, regional, and global scale, both scientific studies and applied studies that support further studies of the ocean and coastal environment, the exploration of marine resources, as well as the development and application of engineering and marine technology. The primary topic in the Oceanography Study Program covers the physical and dynamic processes of seawater from theory to application, including tidal dynamics, ocean currents, ocean waves, ocean-atmosphere interactions, tsunamis, coastal and marine disasters, the dynamics of coastal environmental ecosystems, underwater acoustics, renewable marine energy resources, upwelling, climate change, erosion and deposition of coastal sediments, and spreading of oil spills and other pollutants in the sea. The study area includes rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, and open seas. To cope with the study area and subjects, field observations, laboratory studies, computer modeling and simulation, and remote sensing applications are the main methods to study the ocean phenomena at the Oceanography Study Program. 

The education and research in the Oceanography Study Program are supported by various facilities and laboratories, such as the Applied Oceanography Laboratory, the Regional Oceanography Laboratory, and the Theoretical Oceanography Laboratory. These laboratories are supported by equipment such as diving equipment, hydro-oceanographic survey equipment consisting of research vessels, current meters, ADCP, water quality meters, CTD, echosounders, and tide gauges. In addition, it is supported by laboratory equipment to support biological and chemical oceanography activities and chemistry.

Career Prospects
Graduates of the Oceanographic Study Program have the opportunity to take part in the fields of research, consulting, marine administration for government agencies, foreign and national private survey companies, education, tourism, aquatic sports, fishing industry, mining, oil and gas industry, non-governmental organizations, and entrepreneurship.


Jl. Ganesha 10, Labtek XI 2nd Floor
Phone number: 022 2500494