Call for Paper: 6th ANQUE International Congress of Chemistry 2006

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

The National Association of Chemists of Spain (ANQUE) akan menyelenggarakan 6th ANQUE International Congress of Chemistry dengan tema Chemistry and Sustainable Development. Kongres internasional ini akan diselenggarakan pada 5-7 Desember 2006 di Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spanyol. Tema kongres ini meliputi: T1. Chemistry in the resources' management: 1.1 - Sustainable management of raw materials. 1.2 - Chemistry in energy production (energy from fossil fuels, renewable energies, nuclear energy, etc.). 1.3 - Water sustainable management. Water reuse. 1.4 - Wastes as a source of resources. T2. Chemistry in the development of sustainable processes and products: 2.1 - Contributions of chemistry and materials science and technology. 2.2 - Advances and applications in biotechnology. 2.3 - Nanotechnology. 2.4 - Clean technologies. 2.5 - Processes control and simulation. Advanced data treatment. 2.6 - Product design and engineering. T3. Materials and Sustainable development: 3.1 - Materials' recycling. Valorization. 3.2 - Technological management and out-of-use material processes. 3.3 - Materials' recyclability. 3.4 - Socioeconomic aspects. 3.5 - Life cycle analysis. T4. Wastes and emissions: 4.1 - Characterization of wastes and emissions. 4.2 - Wastes management (industrial, agricultural, radioactive, etc.). 4.3 - Effluent treatments. 4.4 - Atmospheric emissions treatments. 4.5 - Recovery of spaces and contaminated soils. 4.6 - Environmental problems. Global contaminants and climate change. T5. Chemistry in the improvement of the quality of life: 5.1 - Chemistry and health 5.2 - Health and safety in labour. Prevention of labour risks. 5.3 - The chemistry in the conservation of historic and artistic heritage. 5.4 - The chemistry in the protection of natural spaces. 5.5 - Forensic chemistry. T6. Chemistry in the education and social communication for sustainable development: 6.1 - Development of educational materials. 6.2 - Training in sustainable chemistry. 6.3 - Social communication. T7. Environmental management: 7.1 - Socioeconomic aspects. 7.2 - Responsible care. 7.3 - Environmental management systems. 7.4 - Sustainability indicators. 7.5 - Environmental impact evaluation. 7.6 - Ecolabelling. 7.7 - Rules and legislation. Panitia juga mengundang makalah bertemakan topik-topik diatas. Terdapat dua macam kontribusi: 1. Oral communications; pemakalah yang tertarik memberikan presentasi oral harus mengirimkan abstraksi makalahnya untuk dievaluasi oleh panitia. 2. Posters; mereka yang tertarik memberikan kontribusi poster juga harus mengirimkan abstraksi untuk dievaluasi oleh panitia. Detil mengenai prosedur penyerahan abstraksi serta informasi lainnya mengenai kongres ini dapat diperoleh melalui

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