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Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Jakarta telah menghadiahkan sejumlah jurnal dalam berbagai bidang serta buku-buku kepada UPT Perpustakaan ITB, sehubungan rencana kepindahan gedung Kedutaan Besar Jepang tersebut. Hadiah disampaikan melalui Dr.Suhardja D.Wiramihardja dari Departemen Astronomi. Berikut judul - judul dari jurnal yang kini telah dapat dibaca di bag.Koleksi Majalah UPT Perpustakaan ITB (lantai 3): 1.AMA: Agricultural Mechanization In Asia, Africa & Latin America/2000 2.Aneka Jepang/1999 3.Animal Science Journal/2000 - 2002 4.Anthropological Science/2002 5.Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan/1998-2002 6.Ecological Research/1998-2002 7.Engineering Industries of Japan/1997 dan 2000 8.Geochemical journal/1998 - 2002 9.IEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications & Computer Science/1998 - 2002 10.IEICE Transactions on Communications/1998 - 2002 11.IEICE Transactions on Electronics/1998 - 2002 12.IEICE Transactions on Information and System/1999 - 2002 13.Institute for Chemical Research: annual report/1997 - 1998 14.International journal of The Japan Society for Precision Engineering/1998 - 1999 15.Japan Echo/2002 16.Japanese Railway Engineering/1998-2001 17.JARQ: Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly/1999-2001 18.JGEE: Journal of Global Environment Engineering/1998-2001 19.JIPDEC Informizations Quarterly/1999-2001 20.Journal of Forest Research/1998-2000 21.Journal of High Temperature Society/1997 22.Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology/1998-2002 23.Journal of Poultry Science/2001-2002 24.Journal of Space Technology and Science/1996-2000 25.Journal of The Mathematical Society of Japan/1998-2002 26.Journal of The Meteorological Society of Japan/1998-2002 27.Journal of The Textile Machinery Society of Japan/1997-2001 28.Journal of Wood Science/2000-2001 29.Materials Transactions/1998-2002 30.Nipponia: Menelusuri Jepang/2001-2002 31.Paleontological research/1998, 2000-2002 32.PASJ:Publications of The Astronomical Society of Japan/1998-2000 33.Publications of the Stronomial Society of Japan/2001-2002 34.Research Bulletin of The National Center for Science Information Systems/1999 35.Resource Geology/1998-2002 36.Rural and Environmental Engineering/1996, 1998-2000 37.Scholarships: for international students in Japan/2002 38.SIJ International/1998-2002 39.Steel: today & tomorrow/1998-2001 40.Technology and Development/2002 41.Transactions and proceedings of The Palaentological Society of Japan /1995-1996 42.Understanding Japan/1989, 1990, 1995 43.Wood Research/1998-2000 Sementara koleksi buku-buku yang dihadiahkan Kedutaan Besar Jepang terdiri dari: 1.36 University Extrance Exams for Foreign Students/1992 2.60 University Extrance Exams for Foreign Students/1994 3.Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Annual Report, April 1998-March 1999/1998 4.Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Annual Report, April 1999 - March 2000 5.Institute for Molecular Science annual review/1997 6.Institute for Molecular Science annual review/1998 7.Institute for Molecular Science annual review/2001 8.Japanese Universities 2001-2002: graduate programs for foreign students /2001 9.JSPS:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/1999 10.JSPS:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/2000 11.Outline of the student exchange system in Japan/2000 12.Outline of the student exchange system in Japan/2001 13.Panduan mahasiswa ke Jepang/1999-2000 14.Panduan mahasiswa ke Jepang/2001 15.Scholarships for Foreign Students in Japan/2000-2001 16.Scholarships for international students in Japan 2002 17.Special courses for foreign students in Japanese private universities 2002-2003 18.Statistical abstract of education, culture, sports, science and technology/2001 19.Statistical abstract of education, science, sports & culture/1997 20.Statistical abstract of education, science, sports & culture/1999 21.Statistical abstract of education, science, sports & culture/2000 22.Student guide to Japan 2002 23.The JET Programme 2001: general information handbook/2001 24.The Machinery industry of Japan/1998 25.The Machinery industry of Japan/2000 26.White paper on science and technology: fifty years of postwar science and technology in Japan/1995 27.White paper on science and technology: towards the 21st century/2000

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