IEEE GEOSS Workshop: "The User and the GEOSS Architecture III - Applications in Wind Energy and Resource Management"
Oleh Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

IEEE GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System Society) akan menyelenggarakan sebuah workshop bertajuk Applications in Wind Energy and Resource Management pada 22-23 Mei 2006 di Beijing, RRC. Ini merupakan workshop ilmiah selama satu setengah hari yang fokus pada bidang arsitektur Global Earth Observation System of Systems architecture dan bagaimana sistem tersebut memenuhi kebutuhan pemakainya. Workshop ini akan menjadi forum yang membawa keuntungan sekaligus tantangan implementasi sistem informasi global lanjut bagi masyarakat, dengan penekanan pada energi angin, sumber daya air, iklim, dan pertanian.
Workshop ini akan menghadirkan pembicara:
Dr. Guoguang Zheng, China Meteorological Administration: “Overview of GEOSS Architecture”
Dr. Dato Nik Nasruddin, Malaysian Centre For Remote Sensing: “Remote Sensing for Resource Management in Malaysia”
Prof. Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo: “GEOSS Plans”
Dr. Marc D’Iorio, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing: “GEOSS Users Committee”
Prof. Mike Jackson, Centre for Geospatial Science (CGS) at the University of Nottingham, UK and OGC Board of Directors: “Overview of Open Geospatial Consortium”
Dr. Jinsoo You and Dr. Konstantin Nurutdinov, Centre for Geospatial Science (CGS) at the University of Nottingham, UK: “GEOSS Demonstration using OGC Specifications”
Dr. Peng Gong, China State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science: “Resource management in China with Remote Sensing”
Dr. Le Minh, Vietnam Remote Sensing Center: “Remote Sensing for Resource Management in Vietnam”
Dr. Charlotte Bay Hasager, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark: “Wind Energy Opportunities Using Satellite Information”
Prof. Deren Li, Wuhan University: “Is Geo-service Ready?”
Prof. Zhi Yu, Sun Yat-Sen Univeristy: “GIS-based Wind Energy Resource Assessment System”
Mr. Pengfei Shi, China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Co.: “Power Development and Wind Farm Distribution in China”
Prof. Ruizhao Zhu, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences: “Overview of Wind Energy Resource in China”
Prof. Yong Luo, China Meteorological Administration: "Simulations of Wind Resources in China"
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