Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship
Oleh Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) has been implemented in the Republic of Indonesia with the assistance of the Government of Japan since Japanese fiscal year 2002.
The objective of the JDS is to provide Indonesian citizens with the opportunity to study in Japan at Master level, for systematic and planned human resource development mainly targeting young government officials in order to support national efforts to achieve social and economic development in Indonesia. JDS fellows are expected to acquire expert knowledge and build research and human networks in Japan to use such knowledge and take an active role in practically solving the problems that Indonesia is facing with respect to social and economic development.
This year 30 scholarships will be offered mainly for government officials to study in Japan for commencement in 2006-2007.
Application Requirements
1. Nationality: Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
2. Age: Below 40 years old as of April 1, 2006 (include 40 years old)
3. Occupation: Applicants must be NIP holders such as :
* Government officials (employees of state owned enterprises are excluded), or
* Lecturers of state universities or lecturers of state universities assigned to private universities by KOPERTIS (lecturers/researchers who are employed by state university after the university become BHMN are excluded)
* NIP must be issued by National Civil Service Agency (Badan Kepegawaian Negara)
4. Working Experience: At least two (2) years after getting permanent status (pegawai negeri sipil tetap) in the status mentioned above at the time of application.
5. Academic Background: Bachelor degree holder (S1) (D4 is not acceptable)
6. Permission: Applicants must obtain permission for their applications from appropriate department or person.
7. Ineligibility: Applicants must:
* Not serving in any form of military services (Police officers are acceptable)
* Not have already taken a Master degree (obtained overseas or domestically)
* Not hold a scholarship that would give overlapping benefits.
8. Others:
* Applicants from regional areas and women are greatly encouraged to apply.
* Applicants who pass Final Selection must participate in Pre-departure English Training in Jakarta for about two (2) months.
* JDS fellows are NOT allowed to apply for, or to take exams on, Doctor course during their study in Japan through JDS.
Read the complete information of JDS Scholarship here.
Deadline: December 6, 2005