World Lupus Day 2008 : "Care for Lupus, Your Caring Saves Lives"

Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, Lupus is a disease discovered more than a century ago. In the beginning people thought Lupus was from a wolf bite. This had caused people to then call the disease lupus, which means wolf in Latin. The scientific term for Lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). It is caused due to autoimmune reaction. There are two kinds of Lupus, discoid lupus (skin) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). SLE is the most dangerous of the two. To this day, there is no treatment for the disease. To remember World Lupus Day, Syamsi Dhuha Foundation worked together with ITB School of Pharmacy to organize WORLD LUPUS DAY 2008. Syamsi Dhuha is a foundation that has great concerns for Lupus. The event was held in ITB’s West Auditorium was a closing gong from the chain of events held in remembrance of World Lupus Day in Bandung. The event was attended not only from the healthcare academic and people who care but also Odapus (People with Lupus) and their families. The event had a talk show, Lupus consultation, Fashion and Beauty Tips for Odapus. Exhibition and bazaar and finally, door prize. The event took off with a welcome speech by Dr. Meri Christianty, Leader of the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation and Dean of School of Pharmacy carried out by signing a deed showing they care. Lupus Talk Show was done by Prof. DR. dr. Handono Kalim, SpPD – KR (Rheumatologist, President of Indonesian Rheumatology Association), Prof. DR. dr. Sudigdo Adi, SpKK (Specialist in Allergic Immunology) and guided by Dr. Ahyani Raksanegara M.Kes. in the talk show, they mentioned that lupus can be triggered by factors such as hereditary, nutrition, sunlight and stress. To identify lupus, there is something called Check for Lupus Yourself (Periksa Lupus Sendiri- Saluri) Memorial of World Lupus Day showed a regard of ITB towards the condition of health around us. It is time for us to care for our environment and what takes place outside. As the World Lupus Day slogan goes, “Care for Lupus, Your Caring Saves Lives”.

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