1677 ITB Students Graduated on the Second Open Session of Academic Year 2014/2015
By Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah
Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

The session opened by the procession of the Chairman, Board of Trustees, Council of Professors, and ITB Academic Senate entered the courtroom accompanied by the song of ITB Mars. Then, the song of Indonesia Raya began singing followed by the song of Mengheningkan Cipta. The event continued with the taking promise of graduates and inauguration of Doctor/Master/Bachelor followed by the song of Padamu Negeri. After that, ITB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA delivered his speech that was continued by giving congratulation to all graduates. This session closed by farewell speech of the graduate representatives and prayed together.
In his speech, Kadarsah delivered some opinions about the relation between problems with thinking out of the box. He gave example in the problem solving of national energy which recently issued. According to Kadarsah, the development of bioenergy resources with economic argumentation that its price is not cheaper than fossil energy, it won't be able to compete in the market. Meanwhile, if Indonesian try to think out of the box, so they won't questioned the high price of energy, but rather formulized ways to produce energy efficiently and acceptable by the market.
"Ability to solve the problem, either in the organization, local, region, or national is a crucial factor for our progress together as a nation," said him. "The progress won't be achieved by ignoring the problem, or even exchanging a problem with another new problem."
In the end of his speech, Kadarsah announced several achievements that were succeeded to be achieved by ITB students in the period of October 2014 to March 2015. These achievements were achieved, either in national or international level, and either academic or non-academic field.
Then, Mohammad Jeffry Giranza (Geology Engineering 2010) as the graduate representative and the former of President ITB Student Cabinet period 2014/2015 delivered his parting words. In his speech, Jeffry thanked to all academic community in ITB for all lessons that was he and his friends gotten during their college life in ITB. Jeffry also advised to graduates to maintain humility and willing to share with others. "Life is about choice, we only need to choose, either working to apply our knowledge to get money or sharing it to the communities around us," said Jeffry.