2022 IEAGHG Summer School: CCS Education in Pasundan

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – After two years of inactivity, the 2022 IEAGHG (International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas) Summer School in Bandung was attended by 45 students from 25 countries, led by world-leading experts in CCS (Carbon Capture Storage) technology. ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) was chosen as the host university, represented by Dr. Mohammad Rachmat Sule from the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering.

Professionals who joined the summer school are Tim Dixon (Head of IEAGHG), Dr. Katherine Romanak (University of Texas Austin), and Prof. John Kaldi (University of Adelaide). Mentors from several sponsors accompanied and assisted them in classes.

Diskusi dan pembelajaran teknologi CCS

Students enrolled in the summer school were taught various aspects of CCS technology, ranging from its geoscientific standpoint, regulation, transportation to its public reception. ITB also took part in educating CCS; the study of carbon's storage integrity in Indonesia was presented by Dr. Ing. Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun from the ITB Drilling Engineering, Production, and Oil and Gas Management Research Group.

Students are also engaged in online discussions with world-leading CCS figures. One of those discussions was with Dr. Jennifer Wilcox from the United States Department of Energy, who explained the importance of CO2 capture and storage to achieve net-zero emissions.

Kunjungan ke PLTP Kamojang

Another agenda of the summer school was a visit to factories that use CCS technology. Students went to the CO2 Samator Factory, which has the facility to purify CO2 from petroleum and gas for later usage in food processing industries and EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery). They also toured around Jatibarang Oil Field, owned by Pertamina. It was the first oil field in Indonesia to implement EOR technology.

Aside from factories, participants visited geothermal sites in West Java. They went to the Kamojang Geothermal Field on Saturday, 3 December. Operating by Pertamina, it is the leading geothermal plant in Indonesia and often serves as a reference for other geothermal plants. Until now, Kamojang Geothermal Field has shown constant promising results as an environmentally friendly energy source.

The summer school ended with a visit to Kampung Sampireun resort, where students stayed at bungalows that surround the Sukamaju geothermal site. They spent their last day learning basic Indonesian and joining in social events.

Source: https://ukccsrc.ac.uk/blog_posts/ecr-meeting-fund-ieaghg-summer-school-winter-2022/

Reporter: Favian Aldila (Civil Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)

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