Celebrating Ramadhan with a Million Inspirations in Masjid Salman ITB

By Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Ramadhan is the special month for Muslims in all over the world. The splendor of Ramdhan has become the most-awaited moment. Moslems in ITB also do wait for it. The Ramadhan Events Organizer (P3R 1435 H) has been ready to hold many events in Ramadhan for all civitas academica ITB dan public. Masjid Salman ITB as the first college masjid in Indonesia annually hold various unique events for the public. The theme of the year is "A Million Inspirations in Ramadhan".

Inviting Inspiring People

Ramadhan Great Meeting (Ragam) took place in West Hall of ITB Ganesha on Sunday (06/07/14). The theme was "Technology Rules in Public's Prosperity". The speakers were Prof. Dr. Ir. KH. Mohammad Nuh, DEA. (The Minister Education and Culture),  Dr. Ir. Agung Harsoyo, M.Sc., M.Eng. (Digital Expert), Budi Rahardjo, M.Sc., Ph.D. (IT Expert), Prof. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Ph.D. (The Director of Organization and Partnership of Higher Education, The Leader of College Masjid Association)

Special for girls, P3R 1435 H held Jamine, a talkshow themed "Moslema Beauty Inside Out" which talked about the definition of beauty according to female muslims nowadays. The speakers were Meyda Sefira (actress and the author of Hujan Safir), Mentari Mustaqim (the author of Menyingkap Cahaya Mentari). Jasmine took place in East Hall of ITB Ganesha on Saturday (05/07/14)

The other fun activity was Inspiration Day (12-13/07/14) which invited inspiring people who have contributed amazingly in their community. They were Gamal Albinsaid (the founder of Klinik Asuransi Sampah and Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2013), Ustadz Fadlan Garamatan (Muslim preacher in Papua rural area, Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2011), Tizar M. K. Bijaksana (President of KM-ITB 2011/2012), dan Prof. Hermawan K. Dipojono (ex-Dean of ITB Industrial Engineering Faculty who is currently the Director of Organization and Partnership of Higher Education).

The Comfortable Way of Worshiping in Salman

P3R also has special programs for servicing the jamaah. Every day there is tarawih praying and special preachers is invited such as ITB lecturers and local leaders. At the last ten days of  Ramadhan, the organizers holds I'tikaf (spending night in Masjid and doing worships and prayers) which is open for public whether men and women, students or any people who live nearby Masjid Salman ITB.

P3R also holds Irama which is a talkshow before maghrib (time for breaking fast) with national figures. The purpose of the talkshow is to spread knowledge and to help the people to learn the lesson from those inspiring fiqures. It is open for all jamaah of Masjid Salman ITB which is consisted of youth, students, and residents surrounding Masjid Salman ITB.

For special coaching, P3R held PPA (Para Pencinta Al-Qur'an - Al-Qur'an Lovers). This program has special purpose which is to help create hafiz generations (the ones who memorize Al-Qur'an) and give motivations to memorize Al-Qur'and learn to read Al-Qur'an properly. Besides, there would be Kampung Ramadhan for middle high school and high school students from all over Bandung Raya. In Kampung Ramadhan, students could share happiness and spirit of Ramadhan to enliven Masjid Salman ITB.

Not Forget to Share Happiness

While it is Ramadhan, P3R serves food which is free for public or jamaah. P3R also does Sahur on The Road and Ngabuburit to distribute food for free on road. As the main event, P3R held Indahnya Berbagi in Cirungkang Village, West Bandung. P3R gave away 200 meals, 1000 Al-Qur'an, 200 books, held cheap market, free health service, and other kinds of community service.