Alumni Sharing PMW X TOP 2021 Batch 1: Rise of Young Entrepreneur in A Pandemic Era
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, ITB Career Center with Foundation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (LPIK) ITB held a sharing session with ITB alumni as one of series of PMW X ITB 2021 event via Zoom on Friday (12/03/2021). This program has been run since January and will be ended in May 2021. This webinar was started at 4 PM and attended by PMW X ITB 2021 Batch 1 registrants.
An opening statement was given by Sonny Rustiadi from Directory of Student Affairs, he hoped for grant funds to be used wisely for business developments. “A success entrepreneur has only one less fall than his success,” said Sonny.
Harry Kurniawan Nugraha, the first speaker, is an ITB MBA program alumna who started Kubust Teknologi Indonesia, an advertising startup via LED that sells and give coffees freely to crowds. In this pandemic situation, there was an advertising decline. Harry and his partners then started an idea of advertising with LED on vans. “Whoever find and share these ads via instastory will have a chance to win a giveaway,” this unique strategy had succeed to improve awareness towards the advertisements.
The second speaker, Egar Putra Bahtera, a Mining Engineering ITB alumna, is an owner of a premium shoes startup called Chevalier. He also started Monoka, Etraworks, Cannes, and Socia. His remark in premium brand, which leads to repeat orders and customer recommendations, has made his startups survive in this pandemic situation. “It is better to get only 750 thousand rupiah and a satisfied customer, rather than 1 million rupiah and an unsatisfied customer,”
The last speaker, Arka Ifani, an alumna from Biology ITB is the CEO and Founder of Bell Society. Bell Society is an innovation-based startup that produces sustainable and beneficial products. Their main product, Misel Flex, alternative “leather” made from fruit peel has successfully formed into amazing products such as wallet.
In this pandemic situation, he admitted that people’s interest in buying their product has declined. He suggested the sharing session participants to start collaborations, which in this era, can be made easy with meetings via Zoom. “If the product is not ready yet, then tell the customers just what it will be,” he suggested.
Reporter: Amalia Wahyu Utami (TPB FTI, 2020)
Translator: Tamara Maharani Alamsyah (TPB FSRD 2020)