50 Years of ITB: Knowing the Presidential Systems in Today's Dialogue
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Legislative elections is coming up. One month before the date of April 9 2009, when the Indonesian people choose their representatives, dialogue about political condition in the nation oftenly hold. One of the dialogue is Today's Dialogue "knowing presidential system." Guided by Kania Sutisnawinata, events attended by many students of ITB and other universities and the public.
Message from the representatives of Chief Editor from Metro TV, Suryo Pratomo, and Rector of ITB, Djoko Santoso, become such introduction before picture recording begins. Today's Dialogue events that held at Sabuga, according Suryo, is a series of cooperation between ITB and Metro TV because Metro TV has responsibility of quality human resources and they believe that ITB owns it. While the things associated with the theme, Djoko emphasizes the importance of the elections.
Kania open a dialogue with the statement that for the last 12 years, Indonesian system of government more inclined to the parliamentary, even in the constitution it is written a presidential. Government policy is difficult to be understood and interest dragged along happens between the parties. Coalition between the party even bothering the president performance.
Dialogue that occurred among persons describes the presidential system in Indonesia is not pure. Multiparties create a support system in the House of Representatives spread so that the coalition formed. In government, the support of the people will only have a maximum share of 5%, the rest is support from the party, as it is explained by Siswono. Therefore, the formation of coalition is very important for effective governance, especially for presidential candidates who come from the minority party or independent candidate. However, according to Siswono, coalitions can be built after the president has been choosen.
Then come as question whether the system can and should be changed?
Fadel Muhammad, who served as Governor of Gorontalo since 2006, said that the Constitution that regulate the system can be changed. Fadel also emphasized that Indonesia follow the semi-presidential system. He, as Kania called him the "stars" on that night said that the cabinet must consist of people who have a track record in the field of each party. If no one of one party meet the needs, it can be taken from representative of the other party with appropriate requirements.
Meanwhile, Denny Indrayana, special presidential staff in the field of law, argued that the system does not need to be changed. Further according to Denny, the coalition's going to be effective, there is cooperation between the president, political parties, and parliament. People should choose the party that supports the president that he will choose later, so there is no disagreement. Coalition that may have changed to opposition, but not closed to the possibility of forming permanent coalition.
"Fix the shortages, maximize the advantages, keep the system," said Denny to ITB News Office after the event. 3 keys to the effectiveness of government as he said that the integrity, capacity, and acceptibility. The system must be correct and the voter must be intelligent. Intelligent problem is also the responsibility of the student as a political party may not fully implement that. Same thing is said by Sutiyoso, Sutiyoso expressed that students suppoused to play an active role in the election this time.
Dialogue that lasted for nearly two hours will be shown on Metro TV on Tuesday (10/03/09). Enthusiasm is visible from many audience asking questions. Audiences are not wasted the moment meeting with the Council of the nation with discussions sessions after the event, along with taking photos, or just ask for a signature.
Message from the representatives of Chief Editor from Metro TV, Suryo Pratomo, and Rector of ITB, Djoko Santoso, become such introduction before picture recording begins. Today's Dialogue events that held at Sabuga, according Suryo, is a series of cooperation between ITB and Metro TV because Metro TV has responsibility of quality human resources and they believe that ITB owns it. While the things associated with the theme, Djoko emphasizes the importance of the elections.
Kania open a dialogue with the statement that for the last 12 years, Indonesian system of government more inclined to the parliamentary, even in the constitution it is written a presidential. Government policy is difficult to be understood and interest dragged along happens between the parties. Coalition between the party even bothering the president performance.
Dialogue that occurred among persons describes the presidential system in Indonesia is not pure. Multiparties create a support system in the House of Representatives spread so that the coalition formed. In government, the support of the people will only have a maximum share of 5%, the rest is support from the party, as it is explained by Siswono. Therefore, the formation of coalition is very important for effective governance, especially for presidential candidates who come from the minority party or independent candidate. However, according to Siswono, coalitions can be built after the president has been choosen.
Then come as question whether the system can and should be changed?

Fadel Muhammad, who served as Governor of Gorontalo since 2006, said that the Constitution that regulate the system can be changed. Fadel also emphasized that Indonesia follow the semi-presidential system. He, as Kania called him the "stars" on that night said that the cabinet must consist of people who have a track record in the field of each party. If no one of one party meet the needs, it can be taken from representative of the other party with appropriate requirements.
Meanwhile, Denny Indrayana, special presidential staff in the field of law, argued that the system does not need to be changed. Further according to Denny, the coalition's going to be effective, there is cooperation between the president, political parties, and parliament. People should choose the party that supports the president that he will choose later, so there is no disagreement. Coalition that may have changed to opposition, but not closed to the possibility of forming permanent coalition.
"Fix the shortages, maximize the advantages, keep the system," said Denny to ITB News Office after the event. 3 keys to the effectiveness of government as he said that the integrity, capacity, and acceptibility. The system must be correct and the voter must be intelligent. Intelligent problem is also the responsibility of the student as a political party may not fully implement that. Same thing is said by Sutiyoso, Sutiyoso expressed that students suppoused to play an active role in the election this time.
Dialogue that lasted for nearly two hours will be shown on Metro TV on Tuesday (10/03/09). Enthusiasm is visible from many audience asking questions. Audiences are not wasted the moment meeting with the Council of the nation with discussions sessions after the event, along with taking photos, or just ask for a signature.