A Display Window of Modern Technology in ITB Insight 2015

Oleh Abdiel Jeremi W

Editor Abdiel Jeremi W

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - As one of the institutions that creates movement in the realm of technology, ITB has an assortment of vessels for all students to innovate, as the Union of Students (HMJ). HMJ on ITB consists of students of particular major that are united in the common ground of science and move together for the sake of an innovation. The large number of student activities is one evidence of active undergraduate students in fostering social empathy and innovations. Like other student' activities, ITB Insight was made to answer the challenge given to each academician: to establish a better public order. Through a series of energy-themed activities, this event by Engineering Physics Student Union (HMFT) ITB cultivated the importance of environmental to participants.

Raising The Spirit of Independent Indonesia throughout Effective Education

ITB Insight Festival is the culmination of a series of activities in ITB Insight 2015, which is started by a Social Movement in Pengalendan. Held for only one day (28/11/15) at ITB Ganesha campus area , the Festival was tinged with of "display window" in the form of modern technology rides, which are interesting and makes learning enjoyable by visitors. Laser Tag, Virtual Reality: Haunted House, Soundscape, walk-on-the-water, Makey Makey, 4D Cinema, RGB Shadow, and Video Mapping are some of the latest technology that were brought by Insight Festival. Utilizing the properties of amplified electromagnetic waves, Laser tag is a war strategy game using a laser gun as a weapon to shoot the opponents. The Soundscape gives an atmosphere of different places by engineering acoustic effects that plays sounds 360 degrees around the visitors. Answering the trends in social media, which is photography, Insight provides RGB Shadow ride, where visitors standing in it will be exposed to a variety of colors, so that they have a colorful shadow. Each visitor also had the opportunity to try walking on water using high viscosity principle of non-newtonian fluid when the pressure given is high.

In addition to the fun rides that show the latest technology, ITB Insight 2015 also featured a seminar with the theme of renewable energy to the public. The seminar in this event gives insight and shows the public about how important is an alternative source of energy and its use. In this seminar, they displayed some alternative energy related technologies, so that the participants can get to know how it works. By showing the latest technologies in an interesting and conceptual way, ITB Insight expects the public can understand every the process, so that an effective education is present.

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