ITB surge in the spirit of the Maritime on the Commemoration of 95 Years Higher Technical Education in Indonesia
By Abdiel Jeremi W
Editor Abdiel Jeremi W

BANDUNG, - It has become a tradition for ITB to commemorate the birth of the Technische Hogeschool (TH) or technical high school in Bandung in 1920 ago. This commemoration is not only about TH Bandung, which has now evolved into the ITB, but also as a commemoration of Higher Technical Education in Indonesia (PTTI). On Friday (07/03/15), ITB hold the open session to commemorate the 95th anniversary of PTTI which is a historical moment for the nation. The session was held in Aula Barat, ITB which also presented the Maritime Coordinating Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. D. Indroyono Susilo, M.Sc., to deliver a public speech.
Prior to the formation of TH Bandung, Indonesia has had various forms of non-modern technology, such as food, medicine and clothing, residential buildings, production equipment, shipping, and so forth. In fact, the great kingdoms in Indonesia had previously become a great maritime power on shipbuilding technology, such as Sriwijaya, Majapahit, and the Sultanate of Aceh. "With the establishment of TH Bandung in 1920, the Indonesian culture entered a new era where traditional cultures meet the modern culture," Kadarsah Suryadi said in his speech at the session.
National Network through Maritime Innovation
Kadarsah also explained the conditions after the Cold War, namely the expansion of Global Trade Liberalization and challenges in strengthening industrial competitiveness. Indonesia has a great potential to play a role in globalization and taken into account in the global society. Indonesia is rich in natural resources, both in the form of mineral resources, as well as biological resources. Initiated the idea of the government of President Jokowi about 'Poros Maritime', it is a strategic innovation to deliver Indonesia becomeing an important actor in globalization.
Responding to the problem, Prof. Dr. Ir. D. Indroyono Susilo, M.Sc. also presents scientific speech entitled 'Science and Technology for Development of Indonesian maritime'. The geological engineering graduate ITB described the process of Indonesia in defending Indonesian sovereignty over maritime territory, known as The Archipelagic State Concept, the concept of an archipelago which was introduced by Ir. H. Juanda in 1957 which continues to be fought by diplomats and legal experts from Indonesia to the sea area of Indonesia established and internationally recognized in the UNCLOS 1982.
"Without science and technology, the sea is just a stretch of blue water. However, with science and technology innovation, the marine vehicle can be awakened through modern transportation system, fishing industry can be developed with cutting-edge cold chain system, also biofarmakologi marine industry , we can built new and renewable energy from the sea, develop security and defense system and the sea-to-date developed modern ocean monitoring system in order to anticipate global climate change,'' Indroyono said.
After the public speech, ITB gave awards to twenty five chosen ones who have worked for the development of science and technology also ITB itself and to twenty three ITB leaders who already finished their job. Ganesa Prahmanggala Bakti Adiutama, the awards for government, were given to Prof. Dr. Ir. D. Indroyono Soesilo, M.Sc. (The Third Indonesian Maritime Coordinating Minister) and Ir. Susilo Siswoutomo (The Forth Indonesian Energy and Minerals Minister).
Translated by Hafshah Najma Ashrawi