Academic Senates of ITB Held a Focus Group Discussion to Discuss ITB Research Priority in 2020-2025
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Academic Senates (SA) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Regarding ITB research priority in 2020-2025. The FGD was held at Sheraton Hotel, Bandung on Friday (27/9/2019). The FGD is an effort to produce excellent and competitive researches in ITB.
The discussion on research priority is one of working program of IV Commission of ITB Academic Senate which managed Research, Innovation, Community Service, and Cooperation of ITB. It was stated by Chair of Academic Senate of ITB, Prof. Hermawan Kresno Dipoyono that currently ITB have seven research focus considered big.
“By arranging a more focused research, ITB are expected to have stronger competitiveness. Besides, the trust shown to the country or ITB Board of Trustees can be realized within the next five years. Therefore, we invited source persons who we believe are competent to give suggestions that will avoid us from making wrong decisions,” he said.
The FGD involves all heads of centers and heads of research centers in ITB. “Hopefully this FGD in the near future will formulate required things to determine our research priority,” he said.
There are four main topics in the discussion, such as research policy in Indonesia, energy and mineral, ICT to support Industry 4.0, and food and health. The discussion with topic Research Policy in Indonesia was delivered by three source persons namely Director of Research and Community Service of Kemenristekdikti, Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa, Director General of Innovation of Kemenristekdikti, Dr. Jumain Appe, and Director for Tertiary Education, Science & Technology and Culture of Bappenas, Dr. Hadiat.
On the opening, Head of IV Commission of Academic Senate of ITB Prof. Trio Adiono said that this priority will be carried by the institution to be a leading research for ITB. “So if a question arises on the fields where ITB excel, we can answer that ITB excel in several specific fields,” he said.
He also said that finished research topics in the last five years will be the priority topics. It will also answer to unimplemented researches. “This is our moment to plan. Hopefully, if possible, there will be cooperation on the topics we discuss,” he said. Prof. Trio also added that the source persons come from various scientific backgrounds. Hence, the discussion could be multidisciplinary, implementable, and comprehensive.
The second topic about energy and mineral focused on new and renewable energy, battery energy preserve technology, and catalyst. The source persons are Deputy Energy Minister, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi and Vice President Process & Facility Refining Operation PT. Pertamina, Safii Triyono.
The topic on ICT to support industry 4.0 focused on artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, internet of things, 5G and beyond. The source persons are Director of PT. Telkom, Ririek Adriansyah and Head of Artificial Intelligence Bukalapak, Muhammad Ghifary.
The last discussion is about food and health, focusing more on the high value materials, nanotechnology, biodiversity, and biogeography. The source person is Deputy Director of Planning and Development PT. Bio Farma, Neni Nurainy, Director of Fund Distribution of Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency, Edi Wibowo, Nurhayati Subakat from PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation, and President Director PT Kalbe Farma Vidjongtius.