Indonesia Reaserch and Technology Ministry Assigned ITB to be The Center of Broadband Wireless Access Center

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - Indonesia Research and Technology Ministry at Tuesday (17/12/13) has assigned ITB  Microelectronic Center as the Science and Technology Prime Center in Broadband Wireless Access field (PUI-BWA). ITB Microelectronic Center was established in 1986 through partnership between DIKTI and World Bank to be an academic, research, and development center of excellence in microelectronic technology field. With expert human resource capital, complete supporting instrument, many experiences, ITB Microelectronic Center is feasible to be The National Prime Center of Science and Technology.

PUI-BWA has four main aims, technology development and plan-build, human resource development, industrial ecosystem development, and increasing economy development through broadband wireless access technology. PUI-BWA will be brought up for 3 years (2014-2016) and will be supported in funding procedure and administration easiness, national until international network, industrial and public socialization for its research utilizations, and last to make partnership with another parties. Beside ITB Microelectronic Center, some others institute that will be brought up to be The Prime Center of Science and Technology is Cacao and Coffee Research Center, Ma Chung University Material Pigment Research Center, IPB Primates Animal Study Center, Isotope and Radiation Technology Application Center's National Nuclear Energy Agency, and Jambi University Field Reclamation Technology Research Center.

According to Research and Technology Ministry, Ir. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, M.S, to be a Prime Center of Science and Technology, the institute has to fulfill two requirements, those are academic requirement and it should be economical so the prime center can produce benefits. On his visit to ITB exhibition stand, Hatta revealed his pride to see made in Indonesia sophisticated technology product. In the exhibition, ITB exhibit various product and research poster in Microelectronic. Besides that, also showed off product video streaming based on 4G technology demonstration.

"ITB Microelectronic Center succeed to make 4G technology based chip also with its application that have domestic contains level more than 90%," said Trio Adiono, Ph.D. as the head of ITB Microelectronic Center.
Research and Technology Ministry said that there was still 12 research and development institutes that also had been prepared to be The Prime Center of Science and Technology in various field of six economy corridors MP3EI such as suboptimal field development, field reclamation technology, sustain tropical forest, renewable energy, seaweed, tourism, large ruminants, sago, etc.


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