After Years of Striving, Ainge ST Team Won the 3rd Prize in Pacific and South East Peninsula Region and Best National in ACM-ICPC 2017

Oleh Holy Lovenia

Editor Holy Lovenia

BANDUNG, – No effort is easy. Behind multiple successes seen, there are mountains of failures and unachieved dreams. After various ups and downs over years, Ainge ST team finally won the third prize and the Best National in Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in Asia Pacific & South East Peninsula region in 2017. The contest which was participated by 80 teams from Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, China, etc was held at Binus University, Jakarta on Sunday (14/11/17). Once again, Luqman, Arifin Siswanto (Informatics 2013), Wiwit Rifa’I (Informatics 2013), and Alfonsus Raditya Arsadjaja (Informatics 2014) brought fame to ITB in national and international level.

Years of Dedicated Hard Work

Their journey started in 2013 when Luqman and Wiwit just got introduced to simple programming. Even though way behind the knowledge of other participants, they did not let their lack of knowledge to stop their spirit to explore. They did not let insecurity get in their way. At the beginning, they failed and felt many times. But, they put aside the challenges and doubts, and keep trying to do practice their interest without giving up.

Raditya himself has been attracted to Competitive Programming (CP) since high school. From his training for National Science Olympic (OSN), high school level competitions, up to online judge websites for self-training has Raditya tried and studied since long. Continuing to his university years, various algorithms, data structures, and logical problems have been deepened by him continuously.

Finally in the competition, Luqman, Wiwit, and Raditya joined together and made Ainge ST. Together they beat other 77 strong teams and progressed as the best team from Indonesia and became the 3rd best in Pacific Asia and South East Peninsula.

Rooting in Enthusiasm, Bearing Fruits in Works

Paving the way to our dream should be in the frame of persistence and hard work. No dream is achieved without effort. “First, decide what we want to achieve in university, and decide the priority. Then, be persistent and strive for it. Do not feel indifferent because we know nothing, because everyone must have experienced the same when starting anew. Make it the motivation that you can be like anyone else, or even better. Measure how much effort and sacrifice you need to give before getting there, do not regret later on that you still do not make it to your dream just because of insufficient effort and sacrifice,” said Wiwit.

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