Agro-Technology and Bio-Product Technology Research Group Introduce BSFL to Cibeusi Community

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – The outcome of a research should be publicized directly to community so that the benefit from and improvement to the research could immediately be carried out. This inspire an activity conducted by Agro-Technology and Bio-Product Technology (KK ATB) of SITH ITB some time ago. On Sunday (08/10/2017), they arranged an event titled Capability Improvement of Cibeusi Farmer Group in Cultivation of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL). The event which was attended by students of SITH ITB attracted high attention from residents of Cibeusi Village, Sumedang, West Java.

In this dissemination, the main objective is to have meet and greet while also introduce the cultivation of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL). It is one of biological agents currently developed at KK ATB SITH ITB. During larvae phase, BSFL will actively devour organic waste in a relative amount. The waste will then be converted into particular proteins according to metabolism type it has. This rich-in-protein BSFL could then be used for many purposes.

KK ATB SITH ITB demonstrated the utilization of BSFL for fish food. They showed the process of making fish food out of BSFL, starting from harvesting, mixing (with fish flour and other ingredients), shaping, up to drying. Community in Cibeusi paid attention to the demo since many of them have fish pond on their residence. “I am attracted to this demo because it is not merely practical but it also has business value, even better because this (utilization) could improve human resource quality here,” said Iwan as the Head of RT 01 of Cibeusi.

Cibeusi was chosen because it has been a development partner village of students of SITH ITB that is organized under Society of Bio-Engineering Students (HMRH ITB) since several years ago. Since 2014, HMRH ITB has conducted many activities in Cibeusi, from live in, children education through Cibeusi Pintar, to development of coffee bean machine. Some students even make their final assignment in Cibeusi. No wonder that Cibeusi’s community gave warm welcome to the dissemination. They even do not hesitate to directly greet the students in respect of their closeness.

KK ATB will continue to develop researches related to BSFL for immediate application in Cibeusi. “Since Cibeusi community has started to be familiar with BSF, we hope that in this village, BSF could be applied and thus create a BSF-cultured village,” said Abdurrahman Adam (Bio Engineering 2014). BSF-cultured village here referred to a location in which BSF is mass produced, along with its products. It is still far from the goal, but with collaboration between KK ATB and Cibeusi’s community it might possibly be accomplished in the next few years.

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