AMI 2014: Chasing Your Dream in ITB
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

AMI 2014 is a year- to -year event organized by Cabinet KM - ITB in cooperation with ITB Rector and Student Organizations , and is now the fourth year . AMI 2014 itself aims to motivate children in Indonesia , particularly the level of SMA / SMK / MA to have an awareness and passion for continuing education to university .
AMI 2014 also socialize everything about ITB , ranging from the implementation of the provisions of SNMPTN 2014 , the introduction of the faculty and school , the cost of education , scholarship information to the lives of tudents in the ITB . " Until now there are many of our High School Student lack information about college . Still a lot of buzz in the community who think that ITB is an exclusive campus . Therefore , by AMI in 2014 we want to change the paradigm about that , "said M. Pramaditya Garry ( Materials Engineering ) , Chief Executive of AMI 2014.
To achieve this goal , a series of events has been carried out by AMI include ITB 2014 Goes to School , Love Letter To Indonesia ( SCUI ) , and the Free Writing Competition . Meanwhile , a series of events in 2014 alone AMI will be closed with the top event ITB Day .
ITB Goes to School , SCUI , and Free Writing CompetitionITB Goes to School is a series of events in collaboration with AMI 2014 and the Society of the Alumni Association of Schools containing students from different areas of study at ITB . To date there are 70's association with regional spread throughout Indonesia . ITB Goes to School event itself in the form of roadshows to schools to mensosialiasikan ITB . Until now , ITB Goes to School has managed to reach 70 % of provinces in Indonesia .
SCUI is a booklet that contains a glimpse of the ITB , existing courses in ITB , facilities and activities at ITB , Fellow of information , motivation tale outstanding students at ITB , the cost of living on campus and Jatinangor Ganesha . Until now SCUI 11000-11500 copies have spread throughout much of Indonesia through ITB Goes to School .
The committee also held a 2014 AMI -Free Writing Contest for high school students or a degree level final recount everyday life of participants , reasons for ITB , ideals and what you will do if the incoming ITB later . Winners will be announced at the summit ITB Day . In AMI events this year , the committee also conducts periodic data collection and assistance for students who want to go to college to ITB . The assistance referred to SMS Blast , the program is made possible through one way communication between the committee and the student .
ITB is the culmination of AMI Day 2014 will be held on Saturday ( 2/22/14 ) at ITB . With a target of 3000 high school students from all over Indonesia , this year 2014 AMI will conduct seminars and Education Fair . In the seminar there will be some sessions that would bring the inspirational figure . While the Education Fair will be booths of the entire set of students majoring in the ITB and the booths scholarship . So that all information about the course and the cost of education can be accessed easily .
With the AMI 2014 , it is expected the doors dream Indonesian children can be wide open . No more doubts for higher education better . "Education is not a right , but the promise of independence . ITB was not exclusive campus , but the campus for all people who want to fight , "AMI .