Anjar Dimara Sakti Elected the New President of KM ITB
By Muhammad Fikri
Editor Muhammad Fikri

Anjar Dimara Sakti, candidate with the code C won 2640 votes, while candidate A and B, Mohamad Ashyari Sastrosubroto (Civil Engineering 2008) and Taufik Nur Cahyo (Geological Engineering 2008) respectfully, each won 1626 votes and 1074 votes. With that result, Anjar Dimara Sakti (Geodetic and Geomatics Engineering 2008) is elected as the new President of KM ITB of 2012.
Head of ITB Student Congress, Agathon Chandra Setiawan (Mining Engineering 2008), authorized the result. "Anjar is officially the president," Agathon stated. "We are grateful to meet the target of voters, 50 percent plus one of the entire student body. Other agenda such as electronic voting and debate of candidates were successfully conducted." Said Akrimni Al Habil (Mechanical Engineering 2009), Project Officer of Presidential Election 2012.
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At the end of the counting, former presidents also showed their support for Anjar as the elected president of KM ITB. "The result means we still agree in KM ITB and all of us has the obligation to nurture it," stated Taufik. "Whoever our leader is, we have to dutifully support him. Being part of KM ITB means consentually agreeing with this election," said Ashyari. Anjar expressed his gratitude to everyone who has supported him during the election. "This is a big responsibility. Follow my lead when it is right, and remind me whenever I'm wrong," said Anjar in his speech. The announcement is ended with a prayer and the Ganesha salute (salam ganesha) under Anjar's direction.