Anti-Corruption Education as Efforts to Cultivate Integrity Values in ITB Students
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - On April 7, 2021, the Studium Generale KU-4078 entitled "Anti-Corruption Provision for Students Entering the World of Work," attended by Dr. Nurul Ghufron, SH, MH as a speaker. He is the Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He said that integrity is not only a need of other people or the nation and state, but integrity is a necessity even for individual structure, namely oneself.
Ghufron gave an example of a case when the pandemic started, namely, Covid-19 at Sardjito Hospital. The patient did not say that an infected person contacted him. It resulted in 53 front medical liners being required to take swab tests. The dishonesty proves that it is not only about money but can even be life-threatening.
In the world of work, he explained that integrity is a rare thing. "Unfortunately, integrity has begun to disappear because of the personal standard of wanting and pursuing the pleasures by short and instant ways," he said.
In the world of work, he explained that integrity is a rare thing. "Unfortunately, integrity has begun to disappear because of the personal standard of wanting and pursuing the pleasures with short and instant ways," he said.
To become a person with integrity, a person must practice the nine anti-corruption values: honesty, caring, independence, discipline, responsibility, fairness, courage, modesty, and hard work. "If you already have this value, I am sure you will be the figure you are looking for today," he said.
Indonesia itself is ranked 102 out of 180 countries in terms of anti-corruption. The ranking says that we have dropped many points because Indonesia was at 40th place in 2019.
There are nine aspects in this ranking, which Ghufron then summarized into three factors: the climate in entrepreneurship, the world of law and bureaucracy, and the world of politics. Indonesia is involved in two fields, namely in the field of law-bureaucracy and in the political area.
Ghufron detailed, there are 7 clusters of corruption, namely detrimental to state money, embezzlement in office, fraudulent acts, extortion, gratuities, conflicts of interest in procurement, and bribery.
Therefore, according to him, it is crucial to carry out anti-corruption education from an early age. ITB can be a pioneer in making this happen. "The world and the Indonesian nation are currently looking for rare people, namely people with integrity. People with integrity are needed not only by the Indonesian people but also by your family at home," said Mr. Ghufron.
Reporter: Najin Khoirul Amalin (School of Business Management, 2020)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering, 2020)