Arsanesia Proved Varsity can Compete in Bussiness World
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

ANDUNG, - Nowadays, there is an enormous number of business competitions that aim to stimulate the creativity and also escalate the economy and the autonomy level in our society. The business stakeholders and the economists were not the only actors who can compete in this competition. 5 delegates from ITB successfully proved that technocrats can also cope in this competition.

Arsanesia, that's the name of the entreprise that was created by 5 students from System and Technology Information Major. With a vision " Becoming the biggest digital entertainment entreprise who nurture and present Indonesian culture to the outside World" , Ihwan Adam Ardisasmita, Dea renata Vania, Khairul Annas, M. Hazki Hariowibowo, and M. Ikhsandana Siregar audaciously step in the bussiness jungle in the middle of their busy schedule in college.
Not putting a low speed, recently they have attended a Comunicasia 2011 exhibition held in Singapore to show-off their first ultimate product, Gamelan Player. This telephone application used in one of the acclaimed brands have been downloaded by 33 thousands users in only 2 months from its launching and also, it is awarded 4 of 5 ratings for the application's quality.
The journey of these students began from joining a regional competition, "Bandung Venture Night", which is partly held in Comlabs ITB. Nomination of Arsenesia as the top 10 "Best Business Idea" became a first stepping stone of many other wonderful achievement. Not only outside ITB, they became a guest speaker in StudentsxCEOsSummit 2011 and again they managed to achieve the "Best Idea".
Many of Indonesian media such as Tempo magazine and website, Daily Social website, and Kompas website undoubtedly broadcast and report the achievement of Arsenesia. We trully hope that the new generation would be moved and grow to follow their footsteps and solve the unemployment prolems in Indoensia.
Not putting a low speed, recently they have attended a Comunicasia 2011 exhibition held in Singapore to show-off their first ultimate product, Gamelan Player. This telephone application used in one of the acclaimed brands have been downloaded by 33 thousands users in only 2 months from its launching and also, it is awarded 4 of 5 ratings for the application's quality.

Many of Indonesian media such as Tempo magazine and website, Daily Social website, and Kompas website undoubtedly broadcast and report the achievement of Arsenesia. We trully hope that the new generation would be moved and grow to follow their footsteps and solve the unemployment prolems in Indoensia.