Planocosmo International Conference: Bridging The Plan with Implementation

Oleh Muhammad Hanif

Editor Muhammad Hanif

BANDUNG, - Master Program of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture, Planning, and Development Policy (SAPPK) ITB held Planocosmo International Conference with the theme 'Making Planning Works: Bridging the Gaps Between Planning and its Implementation' on Monday and Tuesday (08-09/10/12) in the ITB West Hall. Keynote speaker at the conference was the Deputy Minister of Planning and National Development (PPN) / Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Regional Development and Regional Autonomy Sector Ir. Max Pohan, CES, MA.

Planocosmo is an acronym that refers to the phrase 'planning cosmologically cosmopolitan society. "Cosmopolitan society is pictures of the state condition that want to be achieved, plural, tolerant and cultured, while the cosmological planning is defined as space planning efforts based on the science of strength and balance of nature (universe). Planocosmo is a series of national seminars, international conferences, and book launch held in September-October 2012.

In this Planocosmo International Conference, organizers raised the theme 'Making Planning Works: Bridging the Gaps Between Planning and Its Implementation' in response to the various problems faced during the run plans in the real world. The conference was attended by participants from various universities in Indonesia and abroad, as well as invited guests coming from various government agencies.

The international conference was opened with a welcome speech by the SAPPK ITB Dean Prof. Dr. B. Kombaitan and was followed by the opening by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs ITB Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi. Keynote speech delivered by the Deputy Minister of Planning and National Development (PPN) / Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Regional Development and Autonomy Sector Ir. Max Pohan, CES, MA on 'National Urban Strategic Policy'. Then event on that first day followed by presentations and parallel panel discussions parallel in the West Hall, PWK Seminar Room, and SAPPK Data Room with moderator Dr. Haryo Winarso on 'Peri-Urban Planning in Asia'.

The second day of the conference began with keynote speech by Prof. Christopher Silver, Ph.D. from the University of Florida, followed by the awarding of Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama to Prof. Christopher Silver, Ph.D. delivered by SAPPK ITB Dean Prof. Dr. B. Kombaitan. The award was given to Prof. Christopher Silver, Ph.D. who has demonstrated outstanding service and achievement in the field of Planning and Policy Development thus considered eligible for the award Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama.

The event was followed by presentations from other speakers including Prof. Iwan J Azis (Cornell University) with the topic of Development Planning, Prof. Roos Akbar (Bandung Institute of Technology) with the topic of Physical Planning and Dr. Rajib Shaw (Kyoto University) with the topic of Environmental Planning. The session was moderated by Teti Argo, Ph.D.

After a two-day conference, on the third day (10/10/12) were post-conferentional tour visiting the peri-urban areas around Bandung-Jakarta, such as Cikarang industrial complex, Kota Baru Parahyangan, and North Bandung.

Sources: Planocosmo, SAPPK-ITB

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