"Better Youth for Better Civilization" Panel Discussion

Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- Situated in the Multipurpose Building, Keluarga Mahasiswa Islam; Islam Student Family (GAMAIS) ITB had an interactive panel discussion “Better Youths for a Better Civilization” on Saturday (12/4). Pemuda and Olah Raga RI* Minister Dr. Adhyaksa Dault; ITB Chemistry lecturer Dr.M Abdul Kadir; writer of the book “Gue Never Die”; M Salim A Fillah and Vijaya Fitriyasa, first ITB Keluarga Mahasiswa (KM) President were all present as speakers. In this panel discussion, the role of today’s young men in creating a better culture was the topic. Today’s generation have great adversities along with rapid globalization and inflowing information. In regard to this, “The younger generation should not just do what is expected of them but also should be able to do what they know is right,” said Abdul Kadir. Besides this, he advised that young people should have the confidence to win competitions. In regard to the abilities of young Indonesians- “They should increase the quality and competency to take up strategic positions in multinational companies,” Vijaya said. This is what they considered as conditions in order to become the ultimate next generation as Salim A. Fillah said was among education, skills, integrity, focus, multi management, and community involvement. Fundamentally all younger generations from around the world are in the same situation. “Some swim, others drown,” Salim said. The “Better Youths for a Better Civilization,” panel discussion was followed by more than two hundred young men and women. The participants’ enthusiasm made the discussion more interactive. The Minster of Pemuda and Olah Rage RI said a quote “You can’t save the world but you can improve your community,” he told those who attended. *Pemuda dan Olah Raga – Young men and Sports Original article by asni

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