Cardiovascular Health and Oncology Seminar: Identify and Eradicate Earlier
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

Dr. Sasanti Tarini Darijanto, as the chief of UPT Health Service ITB stated that a disease prevention is an important thing. Disease could depress human productivity, while every civitas academica of ITB should have high productivity. That is why health's knowledge is important. This seminar explain how to prevent, identify, and handle a disease so that people can do the appropriate action.
The first session of this seminar was presented by dr. Drajat. He said that cancer was an abnormal growth of cell. The growth became uncontrollable. In certain occasion, these cancer cells can spread to other part of the body (ed-metastasis). Cancer is not a newly-recognized thing in this era. The symptoms actually had been identified since one million years B.C. in Pithecanthropus erectus, found by Eugene Dubois. But now, the cancer sufferer increases in number, due to lifestyle and environment.
"Cancer can be explained by iceberg phenomenon. It often looks small, but the actual problem is bigger, so the risk factor is the thing that we should be aware of, and the victim should do a check up even there is still no symptoms. If a symptom appears, check out a doctor for a right solution," Drajat explained.
In the second session, dr. Kiki discussed the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). According to him, heart is the important organ, so CHD is a serious disease. CHD is a clogging or narrowing of coronary blood vessels that block circulation toward heart, which then can result a heart attack. Kiki also explained the causing factor, method of diagnose, and medical solution for this disease. "Modification of lifestyle is needed to decrease the risk factor of CHD by overcoming stress, not smoking, not drinking alcohol, consuming balanced and healthy food, and doing regular exercise," Kiki explained.
The seminar was participated by more than 100 participants. They are doctors, lecturers, employees, students, and public. This seminar was so attractive that many participants ask questions to speaker and consult their own health problem. In the future, this even would be routine, but it will be held for smaller group consist of 50 people," Sasanti said. In the last part of this event, the participant was also facilitated to check their blood pressure and blood sample by Sentosa Hospital, also to check their heart condition by Biomedical Engineering Team, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ir. Tati Latifah R. Mengko.
Translated by: Muti'ah Nurul Jihadah (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2015)