Carrying a Green Culture Concept, ITB Will Hold Jatinangor Festival at ITB Jatinangor Campus
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) will hold the Jatinangor Festival or Jatifest on the upcoming September 2, 2023. This event aims to introduce ITB Jatinangor Campus to the academic community, welcoming the first year students of 2023 and introduce them to student activities on campus.
The Event Chief Executive Hendhy Nansha, M.Sn., S.H., said that Jatifest would be the peak event of the ITB 2023/2024 Academic Year New Student Admissions series. This is because starting this year, all the new students will study during the early preparation (TPB) period (1 year). "So, this event is to make new students get to know their campus better, as well as make parents be able to send their children to the ITB Jatinangor Campus in peace," he said.
The Jatifest 2023 event will invite lecturers, education staff, and alumni to jointly create an academic atmosphere and a comfortable teaching and learning environment as well as a supportive environment. "Basically, ITB Jatinangor Campus still needs to be introduced to the public, and it starts from the ITB community," the man, who is fondly called as Dede Edun, stated.
Jatifest will begin with a fun run at 05.00 WIB and then be closed with a fashion show and video mapping at 20.30 WIB. Hendhy emphasized that because this is an internal ITB event to welcome new students, this event is dedicated to the ITB extended family, starting from lecturers, students, alumni, students, and also parents of the students.
The spirit of the ITB Jatinangor Festival 2023: Green Culture is implemented in various activities to add value to the ITB Jatinangor Campus academic community in developing their perspectives for self-development, protecting the environment and facing future challenges. Making the most out of the implementation with an environmentally friendly and sustainable spirit, the activities that will be held are: Fun-Run; Campus Tour Games; Unit and Student Association Exhibition; Art market; Culinary Bazaar; Music; Fashion shows; Video Mapping; and Student Performance.
"Early in the morning it will start with a fun run around the ITB Jatinangor campus, then after the venue opens at 8 a.m., we will present a Sumedang fine arts performance, prepare student stands starting from units and student associations, community service exhibitions, art markets, rides, first year FAD exhibition, entertainment stage, fashion show, and video mapping," Hendhy explained.
Hendhy added, “ITB has consistently supported the Rector’s program on green culture. So, the theme that was carried out was 'green culture for a better future'. Later at this event we urge visitors to bring tumblers (drinking containers) or maybe even better their own cutlery. Even for banners and so on, the committee will use fabric materials that can be recycled for bags, clothes, shoes, etc.," he explained.
Furthermore, he added, the art will also be sought to use as many environmentally friendly materials as possible, which would be dominated by bamboo materials. So, with “folding" stands, ITB will have around 200 stands that can be used again in future events. "Of course, all these ideal expectations can be realized if the sponsorship team meets the target in the fund searching process," he stated.
"If visitors forget to bring a tumbler, they can buy the Jatifest 2023 tumbler at the official merchandise stand," Hendhy added.
He hopes that the ITB extended family including lecturers, education staff, alumni, and parents of 2023 first year students can attend the Jatifest 2023 event to welcome our younger siblings who are the new students. Apart from that, this event was also held to create warmth so that the ITB Jatinangor Campus becomes a comfortable place for teaching and learning activities, thus getting closer to all of our hearts.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)
Editor: Kezia Hosana S.