Celebrating Sustainability: ITB revealed Good Housekeeping Award Winners 2024

Oleh M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure of ITB held an Evaluation of Household Management (Housekeeping) towards Sustainable and Green Campus among Academic Working Units (AWU) and Supportive Working Units (SWU) in ITB. This program was an implementation of Rector's Instruction No. 381/IT.A/HK.01/2023 concerning Waste Management in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The award was also given in celebration of the 79th Independence day Anniversary of Indonesia.

The Sustainable and Green Campus implemented by ITB is an effort for positive change in terms of sustainability while providing opportunities for the academic community to understand, develop, and implement sustainable solutions in campus operations and daily life in order to preserve the environment.

Director of ITB’s Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure, Prof. Dr. Herto Dwi Ariesyady, S.T., M.T., said that the evaluation was held from July 22 to August 14, 2024

.The assessment components includes:
1. Waste management, cleanliness, tidiness, and environmental beauty covering indoor and outdoor areas as well as around each working unit;
2. Efforts to socialize/educate and implement sustainable and green campus (such as waste sorting, saving water, electricity, paper, etc.), including aspects of budgeting,  organization management and internal regulatory instruments.

"This year, in addition to determining the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from each AWU and SWU, the AWU and SWU that have shown the best efforts to improve the quality of housekeeping compared to the previous year were also assessed," he said, in the West Hall, ITB Ganesha Campus, Monday (8/19/2024).

From the field visit and portfolio assessment conducted by the committee, the winners of the ITB Housekeeping competition are:

AWU Category:
1st place: School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI)
2nd place: Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT)
3rd place: School of Business and Management (SBM)
The Best Effort: School of Pharmacy (SF)

SWU Category:
1st place: Directorate of Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Application (DMSTA)
2nd place: Directorate of Human Resources
3rd place: Bureau of Administrative Affairs and Information
The Best Effort: Directorate of Non-Regular Program

This Housekeeping Competition is not just a competition, but also an opportunity to learn from each other and share knowledge in environmental management. This award is an appreciation for the efforts and dedication of all parties involved in creating a clean and comfortable campus environment.

Reporter: M. Naufal Hafizh
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology, 2021)
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

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