Cody Kit Wins Pertamuda Seed and Scale Student Business Idea Competition 2022

Oleh Cytra Ria Atmanegara - Lembaga Pengembangan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan

Editor Adi Permana

Bandung, – Three best start-up teams were selected at the 2022 Pertamuda Seed and Scale, a business idea competition held by PT Pertamina. The teams are Cody Kit from ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Taman School from UI (University of Indonesia) and Gepo Energy from UGM (Gadjah Mada University).

The three teams had the opportunity to receive Rp 300 million worth of coaching funds, which was handed over by Daniel S. Purba, SVP of Strategy & Investment, Directorate of SPPU, representing the President Director of Pertamina, and Nicke Widyawati at the awarding night on Thursday (8/12).

The teams had gone through various stages, avoiding eliminations faced by the other 2,445 start-ups coming from 386 public and private universities in Indonesia.

In the final stage, the three teams competed with other finalists, namely Tirtanex and Kawan Bantu from UB (Brawijaya University), Goerami from IPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute), GID from Unpad (Padjajaran University), Panoptes Insight from PENS (Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic), and Foodie Well from UI.

Not only were the teams gifted with coaching funds, Pertamina also handed over supporting funds to them that are worth Rp. 25 million.

"The coaching fund is not the ultimate goal of this competition. Whether they win or not, the finalists' efforts in building the business have been validated to this point. Pertamuda tries to bring other stakeholders to help in business growth after this competition," said Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communication, Heppy Wulansari.

After determining the top 3, the 2022 Pertamuda Seed and Scale 2022 series is closed with a mentoring session for the top 10 teams. Each will get one-on-one mentoring from appointed mentors in Pertamina. The activity will run for three months starting in January 2023 to further strengthen students in the business world.

During this year's final round, Pertamina invited the top 30 participants to showcase their business and product ideas in an exhibition at the same location. Furthermore, the company invited 17 investors from state and private-owned enterprises to interact with participants as potential investors; they can support the development of the start-up businesses in the event.

"We are grateful that today's final pitch forum has achieved several business matches between participants and investors, such as BNI Ventures with Gepo Energy & Venice, Mrs. Dian Onno with GID, VP CSR & SMEPP with Alternesia, BRI Ventures with Catalyzon, as well as Gayo Capital with Tirtanex, GID, & Gourami," Heppy added.

Reporter: Pravito Septadenova Dwi Ananta (Geological Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)

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