Combining Celup Ikat and Batik Tulis Technique, ITB Student Won the National Design Competition
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

In the beginning of the competition, Putri joined the selection by sending her three top designs. After a series of judgment, Putri with the other eight competitors from many schools such as Binus, Lasale Jakarta, Esmode Jakarta, and IFA Shanghai joined the two day classes in Jakarta. during the quarantine, the competitors have to finish their design with all inovations and creativity to be showed in the main event of Nissan March Invasion.
Putri in her first design competition ever combine the two techniques of Batik, which are celup ikat and sulam tangan. Using thai silk with cotton and natural colourant secang, Putri were trying to show the top in the modern concept and skirt inspired by kain sarung. Fabulously, her technique gave a taste of unordinary abstract and layered pieces.
Besides the cash of 50 million rupiah, nominated as Nissan ambassador, and got a chance to visit Hong Kong Fashion Week, she got lots of knowledge and experience during the competition. She got to learn about fashion business from Rinda Salmun. she also got to meet Indonesian expertson fashion, such as the chief editor of Bazzar magazine, shief editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, Sapto Djojokartiko, Ria Lirungan, and Ayla Dimitri.
The girl who was born on August 21 takes Batik as something familiar and not hard at all. She once got the award of Pembatik Muda from Yayasan Batik Indonesia on 2014. She hopes that her achievements will motivate her college friends to join the similar competition. She thinks that so many techniques in Textile Design can be applied through the competition. After graduating from ITB, she has a dream to start her own business of daily clothes with modern Batik textile done by the techniques she got at school.