Communes of Rakapare: Struggled for Justice in the Land Karawang
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

"There is emptiness in the Indonesian student movement," said Andi Batara (Art Studies 2010) as the founder and Chairman of Commune Rakapare. The problem is a starting point for the Commune Rakapare initiated in order to rekindle the spirit of humanity. Excitement is growing in the spirit of youth activists at the sight of media coverage about the injustice. For that, they need a place for the youth in Indonesia in the fight against injustice and fight for humanity. "The idealism of youth will die if it just moves alone, the movement needs a friend," said Andi. This movement shows the role of the student who gives the change directly in the issues that occur at this time. Comprised of students from various disciplines work together to find solutions and study the problem from a variety of scientific viewpoints.
To solve the problem in Karawang, Rakapare used a holistic view that neither side feels aggrieved. Bringing the slogan "Rice Growing Not Noisy", the meaning of the slogan has two meanings, which meaning for firms and for farmers. Meaning for the company is letting rice plants continued to grow and no one feels disturbed each other. While the significance for farmers is that we have to like the growth of rice plants, which contains the more it will begin to droop. Furthermore, Rakapare do social mapping to map the problem of what is happening in the region. Rakapare do research on the parties involved in this issue and the interests pursued by each side.
Until now Rakapare already doing social mapping twice for 2 months. Rakapare are examining whether the Karawang area is ready to be an industrial area and how its implementation. With Karawang formerly known as the granary, there are many sources of livelihood of the farming population. Rakapare also managed to collect a lot of data from the social mapping is done. With a variety of data has been collected, the current Rakapare Commune has managed to make a chronology of ownership of land ranging from 1830 till 2014 data collected is processed by the students of various disciplines so that a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained for helicopter view.
7 Interesting Things Rakapare findings. As taken from the pages, there are seven interesting things found while living in Karawang. The first thing is the hot weather in Karawang that reached 31 degrees Celsius coupled with the lack of trees in the West Telukjambe. Secondly, Margamulya Village is one of the villages of agrarian disputes lodged. Currently, residents who live have to dismantle his house and build a new home outside the village is very simple.
Third, every day there are 1000 security deployed for securing land in Karawang. They occupied the stalls around the area to observe the movements of the residents. Fourth, there are two international class funeral in Karawang which is the source of livelihood of citizens Telukjambe West. Fifth, while doing social mapping Rakapare team met with Amun. Amun Amun who nicknamed Abah used to be a soldier General Sudirman. "It used to be planted with rice paddy field in Karawang, now rice fields planted with concrete," Amun said. Sixth, there is only one school building in the village of Margamulya. Hanaya building consists of 3 classrooms should be divided into classrooms for elementary and junior high school students. Lastly, there is no public transport to the village Margamulya. This access makes the residents must have a personal vehicle.
Revive the Students Spirit
"Our target is a major Indonesian student," Andi said with enthusiasm. Rakapare want to revive the discourse of the student movement that is currently lacking soundless. According to Andi, Indonesian youth movement should not end only of thinking but need real action. The student movement was a milestone in the movement of the nation.
Therefore, Rakapare is a form of student desire to unite. Performed by means of hips of young people, the mission itself Rakapare which campaign for justice and fairness. Currently, the Commune Rakapare actively conduct roadshows to campaign on this issue so that the student movement will gather at a common point to fight for justice and humanity. "Our parameter is eventually Indonesian youths active again and networking to solve a problem and not confused about where to channel his thoughts," said Andi.