SBM ITB Organize Fridaypreneurship Seminar Entitled Property Business

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

galery news fridaypreneurship

ITB not only holds the vision of entrepreneurial university, but now represented by SBM ITB cooperates with the Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) organizes an monthly event named Fridaypreneurship. The event is intended as a mean of information sharing about entrepreneurship choose the topic of Property Entrepreneurship: On Becoming the Future Master of Property Business. Exactly on Friday (24/06/16), the event opened by Aurik Gustomo as Vice Dean of Human Resources-SBM ITB and Wawan Dhewanto as Head of Bachelor Study Program of Entrepreneurship SBM ITB.Attend as a speaker from the BTN,  Mansyur s. Nasution as Managing Director of Strategic Compliance and Risk.

As a business expert, Mansyur gives an overview about the prospect of property business. According to him, "The property

business is very promising for the housing sector as a strategic industry for improving the economy of Indonesia." The talks also concerned the property business sector housing Indonesia in 2016 which have the potential for big business. Observant in capturing opportunities is a thing that should exist within an entrepreneur.

This activity can also be a source of information to provide a solution for the conditions of developers in Indonesia. In general, the property developer in Indonesia still faces limitations in resolving policy issues, the need for land, infrastructure, building materials, flats, financing, and human resources. In addition, the multiplier effect of the housing sector is apparently able to affect other industry sectors. Its influence can be felt through the jobs created, the consumption of domestic products of building materials, the development of SMEs (culinary) & financing (housing loan). It can demonstrate its economic sovereignty support be promoted for various service providers, ranging from banking, restaurants, business services, laundry facilities, schools, and hospitals.


In this activity, as socialization the  program of BTN HFC (Housing Finance Center) to build the development of professional housing sector. Some examples of events and activities that have been implemented by the HFC is to fulfill one of his target that is generating 500 professional developers (entrepreneurs property) by 2016. It is in line with the vision of ITB and expected cooperation tied can be sustainable.

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