Digitalizing the Motion of Traditional Dance, Harry Nuriman Uses Motion Capture Technology

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, - Indonesia's cultural heritage is our duty to preserve. However, over time, Indonesian culture began to be marginalized by modern culture. This condition concerns Harry Nuriman, M.Si., ITB lecturer from the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD).

Harry Nuriman's concern is reasonable, considering that Indonesian traditional dance are intangible cultural heritage which will be extinct without any successor. On the other hand, the emergence of a variety of dance creations will undermine the authenticity of the classical dance itself. Hence, documentation for the dances is needed to sustain the traditional dances.

Digitalization of Tari Topeng Cirebon

To respond to his concern, Harry Nuriman started doing research. He tried to make documentation of Indonesian traditional in the form of digital files. With the help of motion capture technology, Harry documented Tari Topeng Cirebon as a pilot project. "The initial purpose of this research is actually to preserve this nation's heritage even if the successors have gone," said Harry.

Harry's research on Tari Topeng Cirebon using motion capture technology began in 2016. It took about six months to process this cultural mask dance from the city of Cirebon into digital form. Under the supervision of a dance maestro, Irawati Durban, the digitalization of the mask dance is expected to be authentic. Supported by various parties, Harry Nuriman’s research was finally patented in 2017.

Nevertheless, behind the success, he claimed to have experienced obstacles. The motion capture technology was quite new even though it continues to develop rapidly. He hopes there will be people who will continue what he has done, so that more Indonesian cultural heritage is documented digitally. "Motion capture technology can make it easier to learn Indonesian traditional dance without concerning the time, distance and cost. I hope anyone can easily learn traditional dance which is a great legacy of Indonesian," said Harry on Monday (26/3/2018).

Motion Capture Technology

Motion capture technology is a technology for capturing or documenting motions, which produce digital models in vectors. The output of motion capture can be presented in the form of interactive, three-dimensional digital model that can be shown in 360 degrees. Unlike video, the result of motion capture can be seen from all directions, so that it can show motions undocumented by common camera.

Motion capture technology, in addition to being used as a medium of learning and preservation of dance, can also be used to develop the creative industries in Indonesia. For example, for action films, martial choreography can be learned through motion capture files. In addition to saving the cost, time, and the actors’ energy, the movements of the actors can be cloned by incorporating computer-generated Imagery (CGI) technology and thus cut the needs of having many actors. Furthermore, motion capture technology has been developed for educational game industry. Even further, it can be used to create interactive games about Indonesian traditional dance.

Further Research

Currently, Harry also digitalize pencak silat movements that he thinks are abandoned by Indonesian youth. "With more digital documented cultural heritages, the extinction of Indonesia's cultural heritage can be avoided. In addition, through digital technology, Indonesian culture can be known worldwide. The concern of having traditional Indonesian dance culture claimed by foreign nation is expected to cease," concluded Harry.

Reporter: Shafire Erdia Anjani
Photo: Harry Nuriman and personal documentation

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