ITB Awarded as The ICTÂ’s Smartest Campus
By Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah
Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

Previously in 2013 ITB was on the third place, below University of Indonesia (UI) and Gunadarma University. Now ITB is on the first place, followed by Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya and UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Islamic University. The evaluating factors in this award are infrastructures, applications, human resources, and policy subjects in using the ICT. This achievement has shown that ITB had successfully increased those factors in the ICT.
The following factors which became the evaluations are the ICT connectivity level, completeness of ICT supporting material, applications standards, lecturer and visual's literacy quality in ICT, supporting ICT policies in campus, benefits of ICT for the society, college participation in national education, availability of sharing resources, adequate computer facilities for ICT utilization, use of green environment ICT media, and also values of ICT utilization for society around the campus.
TeSCA 2014 is awarded as the booster for colleges in Indonesia, either state or private, to improve their quality by using ICT in their studying process in campus. Besides it, it's also purposed to make ICT being utilized to increase colleges' competitive advantage and develop their quality standards till to the world class colleges.
There are 406 colleges from Java, 107 colleges from Sumatera, 26 colleges from Sulawesi, 14 colleges from Kalimantan, 9 colleges from Bali and Nusa Tenggara, also 6 colleges from Papua and Maluku archipelago who become the participants to get this award. The awarding ceremony held in J.S Luwansa Hotel, Kuningan Jakarta Selatan on Tuesday (17/06/14) which also gave awards for higher education institute, polytechnic, and academy.