Discuss Urban Transport, Urban and Regional Planning Program and IFI Holds International Seminar
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - On Tuesday (06/24/14), ITB Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) major organized "The International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Transportation in Developing Countries". At this conference, the theme was the issue, problem, and solution for the future of urban mobility and accessibility of cities in Indonesia. The event was held at the Planning ITB Multipurpose Building. The event was also a simultaneous collaboration between the School of Architecture, Planning, and Development Policy (SAPPK) that houses ITB Urban and Regional Planning major, and Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI).
Prof. Benedict Kombaitan as the Dean of SAPPK had opportunity to open the show, followed by ITB Rector, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka. There was also a speech from Denny Juanda Puradimaja, the representative of Bappeda West Java and was followed by the remarks from Bertrand de Hartingh as the representative of the IFI.
Transportation was the main topic of the seminar as well as the most fundamental thing for the sustainability of urban development and social facilities at the same time the most crucial infrastructure to ensure the production process and human mobility. In this workshop, there are fifteen experts, five of them from France who came from academia, research institutes, and technical departments of local government offices who share experiences and knowledge about innovations in the field of transport and infrastructure, as well as learn how urban policies can be implemented by the government areas.
One of the researchers from the Universite Paris-Est was present as one of the main speakers also stressed the importance of the coherence of urban transport infrastructure with a major design or grand design and land use planning at the macro level. This is further clarified in the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development that the public infrastructure sector was a sector that has a base of considerable influence in the development of the national economy. Urban transport sector to date got to be a great enough priority and still seems to be getting better support investment capital for the current period or for some time to come.
In this seminar, discussions are mainly focused on the challenges to be faced in solving the issues on public transport in urban areas in Indonesia in the first session. Then, in the second session it was discussed the method that had applied in France along with the solutions that allow for implementation in Indonesia. To follow up after this seminar, there would be a variety of planned cooperation, especially in the construction and guiding thesis.