DitSTI Held Webinar about the Utilization of Microsoft Teams for Communication and Research
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Microsoft Teams is one of the platforms that ITB uses to help educators and students learn and do research. Directorate of Information System and Technology (DitSTI) ITB held a webinar entitled “Modern Communication and Collaboration in Research Projects with Microsoft Teams”, Wednesday (5/5/2021).
Rinaldi, one of Microsoft Certified Educators, was invited as the speaker of this event. In order to promote research, he recommended using Microsoft Teams in the scenarios. He explained that there are services in Microsoft 365 products dedicated to assist productivity in teaching, research, and complete assignments. Microsoft 365 allows you to communicate directly with others, collaborate with them in synchronous or asynchronous time, organize groups, and create virtual classes with improved protection. This can support learning activities at ITB.
During this webinar, participants were also taught to join and create their own virtual classes in Microsoft Teams. They even practiced forming a team on their own right away.
According to Rinaldi, there is a channel-based communication space function to organize research workspaces.
Microsoft Teams has applications designed especially for research, including Task by Planner, To Do, Github, Microsoft List, Trello, Microsoft Project, Azure Board, and Jira Cloud. Another advantage is that Microsoft Teams meetings can be more conveniently recorded and stored for up to 21 days.
"Working and researching with Microsoft Teams will undoubtedly be simpler and quicker; whether using synchronous or asynchronous methods," he concluded.
Reporter: Athira Syifa P. S. (Postharvest Technology, 2019)
Translator: Sekar Dianwidi Bisowarno (Bioengineering, 2019)