DKV ITB Held An Exhibition of Student's Portofolio
By Vinskatania Agung A
Editor Vinskatania Agung A

There were eighteen collection of the best student works displayed. At the beginning of the course, students were required to make an art concept that will make a path of the work during college. This was the basis of the works displayed. "The works are varied, but the displayed works are the ones considered the best in quality. The main objective is for the selection of assessment for Employment Practices at the end of this semester," said Rizka Irjayanti (DKV 2013) who also exhibited her works.
Works by Rizka Irjayanti, called Icak, was inspired by Wes Anderson, who is a famous movie director from USA. One of his movie is The Grand Budapest Hotel which was published in 2014. Icak felt that the film by Wes Anderson has its own uniqueness and wrapped in a very creative way. "The work that I exhibited is inspired directly from the style of Wes Anderson which is very artistically unique and complex," said Icak while showcasing her masterpiece.
As already known, DKV is is a mixed discipline between design and information. It is a development which is concerned with how media intermission communicate with people. DKV becomes one of the strategic knowledge in product marketing. Not surprisingly, most of the products created has its own language. " I saw the hidden meaning in every work which is very diverse ," said Nurinda Puspasari (Metallurgical Engineering 2012) who visited the exhibition.