Discussing Industrial Development Strategy For West Java With The Governor And AIIT

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Industrial development is emphasized in Indonesia's initial development plan. One of the important issues is the development of human resources. The quality of human resources is said to strongly influence National social-economic welfare.

The importance of human resources is depicted on the story of Emperor Hirohito who asked how many teachers are left due to the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima that time. The experience of suffering the hit of atomic bombs shows Japan's efforts in the face of the most difficult situations and the ability to formulate a development strategy to rise in the future.

Therefore, a seminar entitled Industrial Development Strategy for West Java is interesting to follow. "I believe, Japan in this case is very superior," said Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi. The challenge of development in Indonesia, according to Kadarsah, is to develop SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and improve marketing ability, finance and product quality. In general, industry must be able to improve quality and productivity, competitive in global market, and reach more efficient supply chain.

All industries today must be able to prepare all aspects in facing the fourth generation industry. "This seminar plays an important role for all stakeholders to gain a good understanding of the current rapidly growing industrial network. Various knowledge and experiences among the participants can encourage the birth of innovative ideas that support sustainable development efforts in the future, "said Kadarsah. He hopes this seminar will provide a great opportunity for the realization of collaboration between government, industry, and education and research in the future.

The seminar was held on Monday (5/3/2018), at Seminar Room A and Seminar Room B, Labtek III, Matthias Aroef Building ITB. Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan, was present as Keynote speaker, along with five other speakers from AIIT (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology) Japan, namely AIIT President Prof. Dr. Seiichi Kawata, Dean of AIIT, Prof. Innella Giovanni, Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, and Prof. Hisashi Hayashi.

Quoted from the website of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FTI) ITB, the Governor of West Java is cited to convey the same thing, that to be a developed country must meet various requirements, one of them is preparing human resources well. "Good human resources must be able to manage natural resources, from upstream to downstream without having to damage the environment," said Ahmad Heryawan.

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