Endinamosis 2015: The First International Conference on Rural Empowerment

Oleh Yasmin Aruni

Editor Yasmin Aruni

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - ITB as an initiator in various fields back initiated the first international conference. Housed in GKU II ITB Jatinangor, Rural Empowerment Center (P2D) ITB held a national conference entitled "ENDINAMOSIS 2015: 1st International Conference on Rural Development and Community Empowerment" on Saturday (21/11/15). Endinamosis 2015 is an official event of the central rural empowerment (P2D) for a variety of disciplines to be able to talk to each other on matters related to academic and research. Endinamosis 2015 filled by a variety of material presented by speakers from among the experts and leaders in academic and business world gathered in an open forum to brainstorm on some of the issues faced by scholars and academics. This activity also provides a question and answer session and create high enthusiasm from both national and international students students participating shows criticality in opening horizons.
Once opened by Endra Susila, Ph. D as Head of P2D, the event continued with the speech by Prof. Bermawi Iskandar as Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. The speakers who attended were Ir. Suprayoga Hadi, MSP as Director General of the Ministry of Rural Development Specific Areas, Development of Disadvantaged Regions (PDT), Prof. Sumer Sahin from Atilim University (Turkey), Irwan Rush, Ph.D from Princeton Institute of Technology and Agus Astra. In the sidelines of a presentation, specific local conditions in some countries as a description of a form of empowerment to reflect on the past and look ahead and find new ideas and new findings. As a result of this conference, the organizers offered the participants to have the opportunity to publish his work to international journals.

This international conference is composed of three main activities; Keynote Speech, paper presentations in parallel sessions, and exhibits infographics containing ITB student activities in empowering the community, both in the form of community service and Thematic Field Work Experience (KKN). There are three topics that are presented both for paper and infographics. Such topics are applied technology, socio-economic, and cultural preservation and development of the institution. Discussion material on applied technology includes all innovations and technological inventions that use local resources as a solution to solve local problems, for example "Indonesia is an archipelago where each island is not able to transfer electrical energy to the other islands, for that each island must be able to provide electricity on its own, "said Sumer Sahin. These technologies can be tools, methods, or software. Then socioeconomic discussion revolves on topics that include all the alternative solutions offered to solve social and economic problems. An example is the study of social problems, units of small and medium enterprises or industries within the country. The last topic contains the discussion of cultural preservation and development of this institution, also includes a solution to preserve the cultural or local values, is also an alternative for system development. Not to forget that this event also presented a demonstration of biomedical devices by Irwan Rusli as an additional form of knowledge in the field of technology.

source: p2d.itb.ac.id

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