Energy Economy to Solve Economic Problems and National Policy
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

"Energy economy is a unique branch of knowledge, for it's a combination of economy and energy which relates to national policy." That's what has been said by Indonesia Ministry of Defense, Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, M. Sc., Ph.D. beginning the general lecture themed "Energy Role in Indonesian Economy". This general lecture was held by Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) of ITB on Friday (05/11/10), located on ITB East Hall.
Energy is one crucial aspect affecting national economy. According to Yusgiantoro, when people speak about natural resources, it must lead to scarcity. "Back then when we suffered difficulty in getting oil, and now oil era has gone," said Yusgiantoro which is also grand lecturer of ITB Petroleum Engineering.
Oil era has passed, where natural gas has been reliable energy resource in the future. Gas usage is considered cheaper and abundant in Indonesia. In the future, the experts' technology and innovative thinking are needed in some of potential gas field, such as Masela, Natuna, and Donggi Senoro.
Energy Economy
Lately, national income from energy and petroleum hit 24,1% of overall national income in 2009. That number shows that energy and oil hold crucial role in supporting national economy. For that precisely, energy economy knowledge needs to learn for the relevance with national policy.
In energy economy, a new technique to analyse a nation's budget model is learnt with special program. "The future of coal energy is very big and increasing," stated Yusgiantoro. Meanwhile, it is said that oil development will decrease, while gas is good enough until next 2020.
Government also has conversion programs obligatory for household, industry, and power plants. "We have the regulation, although it is not easy to implement it because of some hindrance," he said. Beside that, another government program is the target to increase direct subsidy and trigger product exploration policies.