Energy-Efficient Building Is Trending, Architecture ITB Held High Performance Building Facade
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

In the workshop, Ery who was also the alumnus of Engineering Physics ITB delivered the topic of high building performance analysis. The analysis was focused on the calculation of overall thermal transfer value (OTTV) which is an agreed standard value in Indonesia to calculate the amount of solar energy that building façade can take (in kWh/m2). Not only listening to the speaker, the audience was working on OTTV manually or by using the software. At the end, the audience was tested on the building design using OTTV calculation.
Aswin Indraprastha, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., as one of building technology experts in Architecture ITB, said the workshop on OTTV was held based on the need of green energy building. Moreover, some cities in Indonesia has already initiated the adoption method of OOTV in order to make the more green development comes true. "The architects have to be able to design the buildings so that it can fulfill the OTTV threshold which is already determined," Aswin said.
The workshop on High Performance Building Façade itself was the fifth architectural computation workshop held by Architecture ITB. In each year, the major held two workshops with the up-to-date theme based on the latest development need. Through this workshop, Aswin hoped that the Indonesian architects would care more about the regulations of construction, especially about green energy building. "By doing so, the architects is expected can do the calculation and design accurately before the construction goes on," Aswin ended the interview.