Enthusiastic Participation of 71 Tanjungsari Students in ITB's Dental Health Counseling
By M. Naufal Hafizh
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

TASIKMALAYA, itb.ac.id - As many as 71 children from Tanjungsari Village, Tasikmalaya Regency, enthusiastically participated in dental and oral health counseling on Sunday (29/9/2024). This activity was part of the 77th Anniversary Celebration of Pharmacy Education of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), which focused on increasing public awareness (especially children) of the urgency of maintaining dental health from an early age.
This counseling aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to care for dental and oral health. Participants comprised elementary school children from two schools in the Tanjungsari Village area. They were taught the correct tooth brushing technique, how to choose foods that support dental health, and the importance of maintaining oral hygiene for overall body health.
The chairman of the event committee, Dr. apt. Hegar Pramastya, S.Si., M.Si., stated that this activity was held as a form of social responsibility from ITB to educate the younger generation about dental health. "We want to foster good habits of maintaining dental health from an early age so that children can avoid dental problems in the future. Good dental health also plays an important role in their quality of life," he said.
In addition to counseling, the event was also enlivened by a coloring competition with the theme of dental and oral health. This competition was designed not only to increase children's creativity but also to deepen their understanding of the importance of maintaining dental hygiene. Pictures such as brushing teeth, dental and oral examinations, and oral hygiene were colored joyfully by participants.
At the end of the event, the committee introduced the latest innovation in the form of Sticker Program (Program Stiker in Indonesian), an initiative to build the habit of brushing teeth regularly. Every child was given stickers that could be attached after they brush their teeth every day. This program was expected to motivate children to regularly maintain dental and oral hygiene. Parents were also expected to be actively involved in monitoring and supporting this habit at home.
With a series of educational and fun activities, it was hoped that awareness of the importance of dental and oral health could continue to increase, not only among children but also in general public.
Reporter: M. Naufal Hafizh
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology '21)
Editor: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering '21)