Environmental, Industrial, and Informatics Engineering Got the Accreditation from ABET
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

"Alhamdulillah-Thanks God. We all are so happy that our effort to advance and to improve the education quality has been appreciated by the world. This also became the sweetest gift for Environmental Engineering's anniversary on October," the chief of Undergraduate Programs of Environmental Engineering Dr. Herto Dwi Ariesyadi, S.T., M.T. happily told us about the good news.
ABET's accreditation was a great achievement yet it became the beginning point of continuous improvement that should be done by the majors who got it. The system arranged by Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Informatics Engineering, and other majors has to be developed from time to time to fulfill the society's need. ITB realized that the graduated will have to apply their knowledge and skill for the society. So, the curriculum, facilities, and any kind of students' development activities have to be synchronized with the development of the people either locally or globally.
The important point of ABET's concern is the facilities to support the students' activities. The accredited majors have committed to keep improving the quality of lab tools and analyzing utilities. Right at the moment the analyzing utilities have developed rapidly just like how technology has. On the other side, ABET also paid attention to the non-academic activities and appreciate the self-development activities for the students which are done through an organization of students in the same major (called Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan).
About ABET
ABET is the non-profit organization which work in the field of education accreditation in the field of science, computer, and engineering. ABET is the legal accreditor of US Council for Higher Educaion Accreditation. Now, there are more than 3,300 majors of science, computer, and engineering in more than 680 universities from 24 countries around the world accredited by ABET. By getting the ABET's accreditation, it means that the majors have fulfilled the ABET's international standards on curriculum, facilities, student activities, and other programs to develop the students' competence and skill.
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