Exhibition of Works by Students of FTMD: Training Students to Design, Produce, and Promote Products
By Fauziah Maulani
Editor Fauziah Maulani

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) held Products and Posters Exhibition by Students of FTMD 2014 on Monday (4/12/17) at Aula Barat ITB. This fourth exhibition that had been routinely held every year aimed to provide the space for students that take Perancangan I (Design I) and Perancangan II (Design II) subjects to display their designs.
The other aim was to train students to be able to promote and sell their products. It was also to give the experience of interpreting an idea into a product and also as a platform to integrate several subjects.
There are 46 groups from Mechanical Engineering, 6 groups from Mechatronics, 1 group from Material Engineering, 16 groups from Aeronautics, 4 groups from Indonesian Flying Robot Competition (KRTI), and 3 groups from International Student Joint Capstone Design Project (I-CAPS). Some of the topics used are devices for post-harvest, health aids, sports, household, and other specific topics that are approved by supervisors.
One of the product displayed is mass sorting machine. “Usually fruits from the farms have varying size, so that load shell sensor is used to sort according to fruits’ masses. This is applied by supermarkets so that the fruits’ size do not vary,” revealed Tutla Ayatullah (Mechanical Engineering 2014).
Applying Perancangan (Design) Subject
Perancangan I is emphasized on process, idea, problem in community and the solution, the design image, the layout, and alternative to best solution. The final result of Perancangan I is technical image. In Perancangan II, students train to materialize their product physically according to the design image. To complement their product, students have to create the poster.
About 150 students under 50 different groups were given coaching by 11 supervisors. The learning outcome of the subject gets 3.7/4 score from ASIIN.
“When designing, the product design is considered a success if the product is producible, in demand, and profitable,” said Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suweca DEA as the Coordinator of Perancangan I and Perancangan II subjects.
Two weeks before the exhibition, functional test was carried out by a specific team to do selection with two main criteria, function and safe operation in the crowd.
In the future, students will be directed to participate in PKM and their topics will be developed openly, be it the problem inside the campus, outside the campus, in West Java, or in Indonesia.
“For students, especially from Mechanical Engineering 2015 who want to take Perancangan I and Perancangan II subjects next year, you have a chance to display your work, and be prepared early by looking for hot topic in community and make the subjects as platforms to gain experience in designing and making a product, various challenges have to be faced and experienced. Thank you to supervisors and all parties that have supported this event,” concluded Dr. Wayan.