Fantasista: Futsal Statistical Programme, Programmed By ITB Sudents

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Few days ago, Kompas local newspaper lift the news concerning of ITB Football Team which perform first futsal championship using the statistical program. This is the first time in Indonesia, a futsal competition use the statistical program. The idea behind the breakthrough is on a group of ITB Informatics student which then developed it become a program that  have been used nowdays at various futsal competition in the country.

Start from school assignment about Object Oriented Programming ( OOP), Nadhira, Kaisar, Fahmi, Pudja, Tito, Agus, and Faisal choose to make the statistical program. Before all happened, the debate among them occured whether what would be the best subject of the program to be developed. Sameness in hobby about football, finally, lead the seven at two choices, that is making football game or statistic futsal. With the consideration that statistical software would be more utilizable, Nadhira and friends mutually agree to make software Futsal Information and Statistic Manager, " Fantasista".

" Fantasista", the first complete statistical program futsal in Indonesia able to calculate various variable in futsal. " Fantasista" applicable to analyse competition such as amount of passing per people, assist, ball possession, shot, shot on field goal, field goal, card penalization, corner, penalti, steal, and turn over." Fantasista" divide the complete data of a competition into three types that is data per player, per team, and per act, so that the coach can easily analize the competition.

"The conventional sport statistical program, either from abroad or local are less practical because requiring four operator or more on its operation," Fahmi said.

Differ from the conventional one, " Fantasista" only require one people from each team to note the futsal statistic in real time. Graphical User Interface (GUI) in the program represents real condition, completed with field, gate, and five player in his position each. The operator just need to watch the competition then clicking the appearance (GUI) because the program automatically know the changes in competition.

"Let say that the operator clicking one player from team A, then clicking another one player from team A, that called one pass for team A," Tito said.

Tito also explain if then the operator clicking player of team B, such action calculated as turn over. Meanwhile, clicking gate means goal.

This program made in seven months with 17.002 code lines in it. Besides used for the strategy consideration for coaching, this program is expected to assist the coach determining the practice portion and type to his players.

"Move forward the athletics futsal national," Fahmi said enthusiastically.

To the fore, this futsal statistical program, said Tito, will transform to conventional football format. Some futsal competition which have used this program service is Indonesian Futsal League 2008 which performed in three cities, that is Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta. Other one is Bandung University Futsal Competition ( BUFC) that was held by ITB Football Association.

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