KM ITB President Candidates are Ready to Face the Election with E-Vote

Oleh Amelia Rahma Faustina

Editor Amelia Rahma Faustina

BANDUNG, - On Tuesday (02.20.12), KM ITB Election Comittee has conducted verification of presidential candidates for the third time. The third verification has passed two presidential candidates running for President, Taufik Nurcahyo (Geological Engineering 2008) and Mohamad Asyari (Civil Engineering 2008), While in the previous verification Anjar Dimara Sakti (Geodesy and Geomatics 2008) has passed earlier.
This verification is one of a series of events Presidential Elections (Pemira) ITB 2012 to determine the period 2012-2013 President of KM ITB. Verification is done by checking the completeness and validity of the files presidential candidate requirements. Verification is what will determine whether a potential candidate will change their status to an eligible presidential candidate or not.

Pemira this year is quite different from the previous years. For seven years, students Preparation Stage Together (TPB) does not have the right to elect a president. However, this year TPB students are granted the right to vote again. This decision was made considering that the student is also a member of KM ITB, so it should have the same rights and obligations to students who already have a program of study.

E-vote enliven Pemira 2012

Electronic vote (e-vote) are planned to be used in Pemira 2012 is also a new breakthrough. ITB will carve a new history, the first college to use the e-vote machines in the election of the President of KM. There are also other universities already use e-vote machines. However,they used the online vote, not the exact e-vote machines.

"Other colleges have also been using the e-vote on BEM election in 2011. However, in our opinion they do not use e-vote machines because they only use the web. Level of intensity burglarized another network will be greater. It is vulnerable, so we will not use that system, "said Al Habil Akrimni (Metallurgy 2009) as Chairman of the Committee Pemira 2012.

In the e-vote machines, there are four buttons to choose. Three of them are key to the presidential candidate selection 1, 2, and 3. While the fourth button is provided for the abstains. Voters can just push the button on the e-vote according to his choice after the light bulb turns on the machine. After pressing the button, the bulb will turned off. Then, sort out a small piece of paper tickets will come out. The paper contains the name she/he had chosen. Voters are expected to check whether the paper is in conformity with what has been chosen. If appropriate, the paper will be put into the ballot box.

E-vote machine is on loan from the Alumni Association (IA) ITB. This machine has been used for the election of IA ITB president in December 2011. In addition, to offering convenience for the voters, this machine is also an example of environmentally friendly concrete action. Ballots are typically should be large in the conventional selection can be reduced to a small paper ticket.

This machine was exhibited at the Exhibition Fair in January. ITB student enthusiasm for the voting system through the e-vote is quite high. This is evidenced by the height of the e-vote machines stand at the ITB Fair Exhibition. In addition, the e-vote demonstrations organized by Pemira Comittee is also crowded by students who want to try and ask more about the ins and outs of this machine.

This machine will be operated at the time of voting on next Wednesday-Friday (07-09/03/12). The ballot will be conducted after the presidential campaign agenda for one week (22-29/03/12). Programmed campaign is scheduled by the committee takes the form of hearing and vision-mission candidate presidential debate. Presidential debate is also a new program on Pemira ITB history.

With all kinds of system updates, the committee hopes that this will be a new history for Pemira. And innovations can invite enthusiasm ITB students to vote. "We're going to make history, the first e-vote machines used in the KM ITB presidential election. We also hope that the enthusiasm of students to Pemira ITB this year is greater than the previous year. Our target this year of at least 60% of the voters list (DPT ) will use their right to vote in Pemira this year," said Akrim.

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