Five Studies Program of STEI ITB
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

The addition of three new studies program has been approved by the ITB Senate, ITB MGB, ITB MWA, and Rector of ITB in letter NO. 268/SK/K01/OT/2008. Many things become background in addition to study program such as STEI readiness include good facilities and lecturers to manage the new focus studies program. "Juridically from year of 1970 electric Power and Telecommunication has focused itself. However, this year factually they will stand as a study program," said Sigit Haryadi.
On Monday (19 / 1), was held a meeting with STEI students on the studying preparation period for semester 2 years 2008/2009 and explanation announcement about letter No. 2299/K01.16.1/PP/2008 to the undergraduate students by respective studies program chairman. The announcement was made by considering the interests of students and consider two things, namely the management of the teaching-learning process and the inclusion in the students diploma studies program, respectively. Also exp relained about the procedure to change study program collectively with filling the form on February 2 2009.
Activity of STEI Student Organization itself will still be under Electrical Engineering Students Association (HME) and the Student Information Association (HMIF). So does the Students Registration Number (NIM) will not be changed as different NIM students of different studies program.